
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Seriously, Roswell, New Mexico

Several Years ago while working at a small airport, several of my coworkers, five of them to be exact, experienced some events over two evenings that were highly unsettling to them. I had known several of these folks for many years and not a Nut among them.  Generally serious folks just trying to make a living.  A few I had known as close friends more than mere aquaintance.  Anyway, after clearing the last flight, it was part of the night crew's job to finish their duties outside performing cleanup. It was during the summer and shortly after midnight.  Ginger (not her real name), explained it to me thus.  She said after walking outside she said she noticed something in the corner of her eye that was unusual.  All of us she said know what an aircraft looks like when landing.  This she said looked much different, a light much brighter than an aircraft landing light at the end of the runway, hundreds of feet in the air, not moving.  She said it was changing several colors.  Also she added, the light emitted no noise and was completely quiet.  Another co worker Matt (again not real name)  the second night described a similar scenario, again probably not more than half to three quarters of a mile away, of lights breaking apart and forming different patterns, like a star or hexagon.  Then disappearing and reappearing miles and miles away in an instant.  Also completely silent and very bright. Much brighter than any aircraft.  Both events lasted the better part of a half hour. As far as is known, notifications were made.  Security was called and the matter, as far as I know went nowhere.  Even though the next day several folks living around the airport,apparently witnessing the same events called with inquiries about what the hell occurred the night before.  Jim (you guessed it, not his real name) said that after reporting the incident the next morning, he more or less became the target of much ridicule.  He said later that he after reflecting on the events of those evenings, he thinks it had to have been some type of military operation.  There was no real followup to these events that I am aware of anyway, and the folks who actually witnessed these events really dont talk about them a great deal fearing the ridicule the the other airport employee received.  Myself, as a trusted friend could not hardly get them to stop talking.  Evidence of the impression left.  

 In any event, seeing the original actual reports, newspapers, affidavits and pictures of people, key witnesses including the lieutenant governor at the time, deathbed confessions, people disappearing, high ranking military figures,  efforts by government officials to maintain the coverup well into the 1990's and the efforts of members of congress.  At one point bringing in the GAO or investigative arm of Congress.  Places and evidence of  events that occurred right here in Roswell well over a half century ago is somewhat, how do I say it, A FREAKING AWESOME EXPERIENCE.  There was that loud enough?  Whether you believe in UFO's or not.  The information is placed in front of you and you make your own determination. There is a certain reverence in seeing any historical artifact.  Seeing original penciled manuscripts of "Little House on the Prairie" at the Laura Ingalls museum in Mansfield MO, with the knowledge that these were actual happenings during the eighteenth century.  A manuscript that about a hundred years later would turn into a long running television series with Michael Landon and Merlin Olsen and was ultimately read by millions of young girls.  This leaves you feeling rather privileged and humbled.   It was the same at Roswell.  Something really big and really historical happened here in 1947. Stephen Hawking, the noted Physicist (a really smart guy unlike myself, and a type of individual whom I rely on to explain the world around me) says it is highly unlikely that we are alone in the universe.  That we should not be trying to contact other intelligent beings.  Think American Indian.  The thought also occurred to me that what if we, marginalizing everybody who experiences the unexplainable, are ignoring the most important thing that is going on in this world.  Oops.  Thought is fleeting in this decrepit brain of mine.  Anyway I guess I am not completely  convinced that flying saucers or UFO's really exist, I just know that I would give an ageing %4^& to really see one.

 Land Ho Ranch

Located in the Roswell/Corona, New Mexico Region
In early July 1947, an incident occurred in the Capitan Mountains outside of Roswell, New Mexico. Many people have heard of the Roswell UFO crash, but very few people know the details of the incident. The following account of the 1947 UFO incident was taken from public records, from information provided by the International UFO Museum and from the press release for UFO Encounter 1997. 
In early July, W.W. (Mac) Brazel, the Foreman of the J. B. Foster Ranch rode out to check his sheep after a night of intense thunderstorms. Mac Brazel discovered a large amount of unusual debris scattered across one of the ranch's pastures. Mac Brazel took some pieces of the debris, showed them to some friends and neighbors and eventually contacted Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox. Suspecting that the materials described by Mac Brazel might be connected with military operations, Sheriff Wilcox notified authorities at the Roswell Army Air Field (subsequently renamed Walker AFB) for assistance in the matter.

Major Jesse Marcel, the Intelligence Officer at the 509th Bomb Group, was involved in the recovery of the wreckage which was initially transported to Roswell Army Air Field. On July 8th the Roswell Daily Record's headline story revealed that the wreckage of a flying saucer had been recovered from a ranch in the area. When questioned Major Jesse Marcel disclosed that the wreckage had been flown from New Mexico on to higher headquarters.

Colonel William Blanchard, Commander of the 509th Bomb Group, issued a 
press release
 stating that the wreckage of a crashed disk had been recovered. A second press release was issued from the office of General Roger Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Air Force at Ft. Worth Army Air Field in Ft. Worth, Texas within hours of the first press release. The second press release rescinded the first press release and claimed that officers of the 509th Bomb Group had incorrectly identified a weather balloon and its radar reflector as a crashed disk.

The Ballard Funeral Home in Roswell had a contract to provide ambulance and mortuary services for Roswell Army Air Field. Glenn Dennis, a young Mortician who worked for Ballard Funeral Homes, received several phone calls from the Mortuary Officer at the air field prior to learning of the recovery of the wreckage. Glenn Dennis was asked about the availability of small hermetically sealed caskets and for his recommendations on the preservation of bodies that had been exposed to the elements for several days. His curiosity aroused, Glenn Dennis visited the Base Hospital that evening and was forcibly escorted from the building. This behavior only incited Glenn Dennis' curiosity and he arranged to meet a nurse from the Base Hospital on the following day in a coffee house. The nurse had been in attendance during autopsies performed on "... several small non-human bodies ...". Glenn Dennis kept drawings of aliens that the nurse had sketched on a napkin during their meeting. This meeting was to be their last and Glenn Dennis could learn no more about the alien bodies, as the nurse was abruptly transferred to England within the next few days.

On July 9th, the Roswell Daily Record revealed that the wreckage had been found on the J. B. Foster Ranch.  Mac Brazel was so harassed that he became sorry he had ever reported his find to the Chaves County Sheriff.

In the following days virtually every witness to the crash wreckage and the subsequent recovery efforts was either abruptly transferred or seemed to disappear from the face of the earth. This led to suspicions that an extraordinary event was the subject of a deliberate government cover-up. Over the years books, interviews and articles from a number of military personnel, who had been involved with the incident, have added to the suspicions of a deliberate cover-up.

In 1979, Jesse Marcel was interviewed regarding his role in the recovery of the wreckage. Jesse Marcel stated, "... it would not burn ... that stuff weighs nothing, it's so thin, it isn't any thicker than the tinfoil in a pack of cigarettes. It wouldn't bend. We even tried making a dent in it with a 16 pound sledge hammer. And there was still no dent in it." Officers who had been stationed at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio (where the wreckage was taken) at the time of the incident have supported Jesse Marcel's claims.

Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr., eleven years old at the time of the incident, accompanied his Dad during the retrieval efforts. Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr. has produced detailed drawings of hieroglyphic like symbols that he saw on the surface of some of the wreckage. Dr. Marcel testifies regularly on his belief that a UFO of some type crashed in Roswell.

                                                                Area 51 been there done that.

                                               Movie Stuff from the 1994 Movie Roswell

How did this pic get in here.  Oh thats right, the food is lousy.  Folks are nice. Food is lousy.  Yes I can say that.  It is my blog.  Det

So the post needs a lot more work.  Many many more pictures that my Wife Lisa took that have failed to upload.  This is a picture of the 50 plus mile an hour winds that were blowing upon our return.  Our emergency radio was blaring information about severe Thunderstorms and we are parked about fifteen miles North of Roswell. The threat has passed but the wind is still rocking our small trailer.  The hour is late and the conditions somehow appropriate for this post.  Lisa has given up on me and is already slumbering. Being that there are scant folks at this state park, somehow appropriate for thoughtful reflections of other life forms visiting our planet. And on that note, good night. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Our Yuma AZ to Los Algodones, Mexico Trip in June, 2013

So, we landed in Phoenix, AZ in June 2013.  Kind of a brisk 107 when we arrived and Lisa had to put on her sweater.  We rented a car from Fox for 11 bucks a day, which is less than the taxes.  Adding another driver cost almost as much as  the car rental itself.  Three days, 90 bucks.  Did I mention it was the off season.



                                                             Driving some more

                                                                    Still driving.

Were Here. OK this is really the next day.  Phoenix to Yuma 170 miles and a little over three hours.  The Oak Tree Inn.  Clean air conditioned rooms for 42 bucks including breakfast vouchers served in the front Diner.  This makes the room about twenty five dollars.  Did I say it was the off season.

We had to use the side door. .... Bastards.  But food was pretty darn good.  In addition a large mall is located a couple of blocks from here.  Dinner at Chipotle Mexican Grill.  Also a multpilex Theatre.

So anyway, the next day off to Los Algodones.



Actually, take Interstate 8 West to 186 and that takes you to Andrade California.  We elected to park in the large Indian Reservation parking lot on the US side for five bucks and walk across.  Retired Border Agent we talked to said that if we were in a fender bender the liklihood was good our car would be the new Los Algodones Police car.

Approaching the Mexican Border about nine miles out of Yuma.
Checking to make sure that  I did not accidentally pack an Uzi, though I don't own an Uzi.  These signs are a bit foreboding, considering all that is going on in Mexico. There are many more as you cross

This is the parking lost sitting right on the Border.  Mexico has no border security and you walk right in.  Coming back is another matter.  Don't even think about bringing back Narcotics.  I was a little curious about pain meds following some dental work.  Apparently OK if not a schedule I obviously, however, talking to one retired Border Agent, these guys are not known for their manners. Also, do not even think about taking any photos around the border area unless you would like to get into real trouble.

 Gosh, considering the temperature reading in the rented car said 114.  This place doesn't look like Hell at all.

These are the real prices I was quoted.  Did I mention this is the off season.  I had garnered several names prior to coming here and walked into several offices to talk with patients, one dentist and several receptionists.  Nobody seemed to mind.  Understand that every office has a "puller"  whose job is to get you into whatever Dentist they represent.  These guys are kind of ingenious and reap 10% profit from just giving directions.

  We were told (in one persons opinion) this was a great pharmacy.  Alot of folks come here to get their medications.  Amazingly cheap.  But everything, including meds are bargained here.  And they have all the meds.

This is the Dentist I settled upon and will see in a few weeks (or month or so) for multiple tasks.  I admit I am a little older and have not kept up with my dental needs completely.  Go figure.  My last Root Canal was 1000 bucks. This Dentist was recommended by locals and his prices were right. I spent 45 minutes in his chair, had several Xrays.  It is cash as you go and I did not feel comfortable carrying that amount.  He said rather than do a little work, come back later for two days and I will have a Root canal, Bridge and two crowns.  1200 bucks out the door.  I agreed.  Paid 20 bucks for the exam and Xrays and left. No I did not leave off a 0.This really is that kind of bargain.   I talked with a number of folks local and other Americans.  As hot as it was there were other Americans there, both young and old.  I was highly impressed by their comments and everybody was satisfied with the work they had done.  Were not just talking cavities filled, but multiple procedures.  Veneers, Root Canals, Caps, Bridges, Partials, Surgery etc.  There is a lot of cooperation between the Dentists, Oral Surgeons, Specialists etc.

I did a lot of research on the Internet and if anybody is reading this or is interested offer these links.  It is not everything I looked at but will give anybody who is interested a little bit of insight.

RV NOW with Jim Twamley: Mexico

Our Dental Trip to Algodones, Mexico - Love Your RV! | Love Your RV!

I would hesitate to go into other areas of Mexico but not this one.  This is probably the last completely safe tourist destination left if Mexico.  I had a good conversation with a retired Border Patrol Agent described it thus.  If you and a local get into an argument, it will be a good bet the local will get arrested and not you.  In any event many local media organizations have deemed Los Algodones a safe area.  We will see the Yuma territorial prison next time.  Gotta get back to Texas to go to work.