
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Just an Update.....

. Merriweather: You're improving Jack, you just can't seem to get rid of that streak of honesty in you. The one that ruined you was that damned Indian, Old Tepee.
Jack Crabb: You mean Old Lodge Skins.
Mr. Merriweather: He gave you a vision of moral order in the universe and there isn't any.Those stars twinkle in a void there boy and the two legged creature dreams and schemes beneath them, all in vain, all in vain Jack.
Jack Crabb: You hear anything?
Mr. Merriweather: Listen to me, a two legged creature will believe anything and the more preposterous the better: whales speak French at the bottom of the sea. The horses of Arabia have silver wings. Pygmies mate with elephants in darkest Africa. I have sold all those propositions.
Jack Crabb: Or maybe we're all fools and none of it matters.

                                         Little Big Man

So I originally wrote a bunch of political stuff here that really didn't do anything but give myself some kind of smug satisfaction.  But I'm thinking all of us in some form watch the goings on around us and to ourselves say "How crazy is this place?"  But, as the pendulum swings, I think it is going in the right direction.  Folks who ride close to the center on either side are finally starting to see past the crazy.  As much of a drumbeat there is to go to war right now by the various politicians.  I doubt this is what the average joe citizen is interested in."  Guess I'll leave it at hat.

Lisa and I are having what we are calling a year in transition.   What that has more or less meant is we have spent a whole lot of time working.  But we are starting to see some results.  Year from now I should have a boat in my own garage and the ability to head the two miles to the water to fish for Reds whenever I want.  Part of this is pulling any and all remnants from Idaho  If mission gets accomplished we have some rather spectacular plans for a reward.

I guess because I have maintained this blog means that I more or less enjoy writing.  And the last entry being a foray into short storydom of which I will comment a little later.  But the larger issue here is the business of reinventing oneself.   In the time I have left, it is my intention to soften the edges a bit.  Yes that means being less curmudgeonly.  It's time to value the experience and the maturity one gains with the years.  It did not come cheap or without scars.  But yeah, it is time for a new life.  One that is not always comfortable but with it's own rewards.   Like the song says

My next thirty years

So I got some positive encouragement from my literary experiment in depravity.  I also received some feedback concerning editing.  And thank you Nan, I might appreciate the name of that editor you suggested.  I have all kinds of twisted little ideas swirling around in my head.  

The next couple of weeks are kind of crucial in getting done what needs to be done.  A little more on that when things get a bit more certain.

So this is what 3 inches of rain in just a couple of hours looks like in drought stricken Texas

In the year 9595