
Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Yeah, we'd just intended to drive through here on our way to Gunnison.  But about a half hour later and at roughly 9000 feet, if we were gonna get the old girl over the peak, it might be at about five miles per hour with a mile long string of very pissed off people.  The old girl just didn't seem to have the poop.  Didn't help that there were no camp grounds available.  Guess this was the last week of the summer season but what the hell, they knew we were coming.

So we turned around and followed a semi whose brakes were smoking like an old car.  Who knew the Sumbitch was that steep.  

After trolling through the local KOA's and State Parks, where the people are crammed like Sardines, all we could find was this crappy place

Located about thirty yards from the Arkansas River.   Thinking they better not be asking too damn much for this crappy spot.  Luckily we found out it's free.  Located about four and a half miles West of Salida.

Really, as much trouble we're having with the local Varmints.  What's next? Bears.  Silly critters giving us  show of whacking heads together like that.  

Que the music from Jaws.  Since we are perched on a hill, that first step is a bit of a doozy.  About fifteen inches give or take.  But, with my progressive glasses they looked much better and almost normal.  Yeah, that's when I went ass over tea kettle going down those steps.  I kind of wondered if I could still sustain a fall like that.  The answer sadly is no.  Hurt like hell and I'm still sore.  Lisa's take upon coming on to the scene "Hey, you must have taken Judo",  I assured her nothing here happened according to any plan.  Anyway, she tells me she couldn't help because she's just a monitor.  "Looks like you fell" she said.  Anyway

Yeah, I'm getting a little more cautions.  Anyway, we'll be here about a week.  Some more pics.

       So while listening to Crosby Stills Nash and Young on what is really called "Hippy Radio", I'll throw these in as well.

                           Couldn't resist

              What did you think the song was?

Saturday, August 20, 2016


       First glimpse of Mountains. Colorado morning from the Walmart in Canon City.

     She said "You had one job, just one job".  "And you couldn't even do that".  That job was getting the Biscotti to the Truck.  Happened yesterday, and damn she's got a memory like an Elephant.  Personally I blame her.  There's just an unwritten law that she's the one responsible for seeing me carry out these hard tasks. I can't do everything.

    Stayed in Austin an absolute pleasant ten days with Carl and Loris.  But couldn't leave.  Yeah, this is what 12 inches of rain looks like  coming down.


     Crossing the country eight miles to the gallon, one at a time.  Gonna stay at Walmart's?" Carl and Loris asked.  "Hell No".  "We're going classy time.  Uptown campgrounds with Electricity and everything".  Yeah, second night at the Walmart and now we gotta find a dump station real bad.  But beyond that, fifty two degrees sure beats one oh five.  

Monday, August 1, 2016


    Wrote this a couple of years ago on FB.  Thought it worth repeating

      When I was seventeen and kind of a little turd, I would drive by the Drive In's and see all of the old station wagons with little kids hanging out of them and the Dad in the driver's seat and I would think "Hell on Earth". Twenty years later in the same spot, I thought" How cool is this". But then I would drive by a Trailer Park full of OLD folk and I would think " Waitin to Die". Now after walking darn near seventy five yards to a little trailer after a couple of hours of fishing on the bay watching ships go by I whip up a Martini and sit back and think "How cool is this". Hell yeah I'm up for Pinochle. Times they are a changin.