
Saturday, December 8, 2012


It is October 1,2012 and Lisa and I have been on the road for exactly five weeks. Tonight as I write this, we are about fifty miles from the Louisiana border. To date, we have traveled through seven states. We just want to share our story with family and friends and decided a blog probably the best way. We left Twin Falls, Idaho on August 26. 2012 with the intent of spending as much of our future lives together by traveling. First the US and ultimately who knows. Possibilities are endless. The rest of the World if our luck holds out.. We came to the realization that: One, life is short and nobody on their death bed ever said that they wished they had only worked longer and harder. Two, our children, four of them are all adults and have strong opinions about our meddling in their lives. Third, by choice we no longer require the income we once made to get by. Ok, I have been retired five years now but Lisa was mid career in a secure government job. Considering what we thought were the possibilities, it wasn't hard to make the choice to leave Twin Falls after forty years and as the song says, start living.   

1 comment:

  1. All right, I wrote this on October 1, even though it shows December 8th. The other blog format died and this was a cut and paste.
