
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Musings of the past couple of weeks

We left Idaho, again, in mid june of the year of her Majesty, (would that be the first Lady?) 2013, for Texas.  After acquiring, or upgrading might be the better term, our digs we headed for Texas to get into what almost all full-time or aspiring full time wannabe RVer's like ourselves do, Workamping.  And in Texas the most popular form of that is to go to work for one of the many Gate Guard Companies. Which we seem to have done.  We have submitted our Paper work and will probably get assigned to a Gate sometime over the next week, hopefully.

 But to recap the ordeal that got us here:  In April, we purchased a 1995 Wilderness Travel Trailer from a couple in Las Vegas.  If anyone has tried to buy a Travel Trailer these days, particularly used it can be a trying experience.  Of the ones that interested us locally, almost all were grabbed up within hours.  I guessed by local RV sales outlets for a detail and increase of price of several thousand dollars.  Literally, we looked at a completely trashed 2004 and was told by the sales guy the price was much more than we could afford.  We finally found what we wanted in Pahrump Nevada.  Dragged it back to Idaho and then was faced with the dilemma of getting it moved to Texas because our main towing vehicle was still in Texas.  The only option was a 1994 Bronco that I had owned the past 12 years and was seemingly on her last legs.  Some considerable work which involved an upgraded hitch, new shocks, installation of electric trailer brakes and synthetic fluids in all of the gear boxes and engine and we finally hit the road.  
                                            Twin Falls, Idaho

                                                                                 So we said Goodbye

  Sixty MPH tops, but more often than not 50.  OK sometimes 45.  Any way in making our way to Texas we traveled some unconventional routes.  Through WY.

Pictures taken on the fly.  Ok through the windshield.

 Hmmm Hummmm Humm

And finally winding up at Wally World for the first night.
The Cool thing about Wally Worlds is they allow you to park overnight as long as you get the &%$# out of there first thing in the morning. This was Rock Springs by the way.       Then on to Colorado.

 OK substitute your favorite Bruce Springsteen song here, mostly in your head but occasionally busting out with "I was Born in the USA" Lisa is really quite used to it and hardly gives me those "family" looks anymore.  Or as I like to call it the "stink eye".

 Hmmmmmummmmuummm. I been through the desert on a Horse with no name...........
 This may be part of our continuing series on Truck Drivers ranging from simply Asshole  on the lower extreme to Homicidal at the upper end.  Really.

For lack of a map, I will just say that we travelled through the Eastern half of Colorado sticking to state highways and avoiding the freeways.  Not near as pretty, but then again no hills to creep over at 15 MPH.

        We landed at Wally World again in Fort Morgan.  The next day through the rest of Colorado, into Oklahoma for a few miles and on toTexas.
                   How does this guy keep getting in here?              Handsome Dog isn't he?

                                    And here is pretty pretty Grandma

                                                   Well that's about all I have to say about that.

                                              We are starting to consider this place home.  

                             Oklahoma has to be known for something.  HMMM let me see......

                                                                  Yup, thats a hill.

                  Whoaa How did we wind up back here.  No really there is a Boise City in Texas.

Some typical dusty towns in North Texas.

Welcome to Dalhart, Texas where we were allowed to camp in the city park for free.  Doesnt look like it now, but a genuine Texas thunderstorm came through that night.  Going to be awhile before I get used to them.

From there we made our way to Roswell, another post in this blog, and then to San Angelo, Texas where Lisa's sister, Linda Johnson lives.

We cobbed a local campground and Linda brought us Taco Salad.  Nice. So while I was taking a family pic

                         Hmmmmm.  What's so Funny?

Anyway, Linda just moved here from Columbus to take a new job and kidnapped Lisa to show her new place.

The next day we finally made it to Austin after a five day trip, some 2000 miles without a hiccup

Things have really been going good since we arrived. We bought a new car
                Spending alot of time in the pool

Ok the car really isnt ours and belongs to Uncle Carl, as is the pool (sigh)  but it has been great taking advantage of his and Aunt Loris's  Hospitality.  As well as seeing more of the cousins.  This was just kind of picture day in the really cool old car. 
Meanwhile, Lisa and I look forward to the new life that we began last August and some 5000 road miles and many states ago.  We count our blessings and our good fortune and look towards the future with excitement and optimism.
All right, I am really working on the roof here, whatever.

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