
Saturday, August 31, 2013


On August 30,2013 we got Qutfired.  So after 44 straight nights working a 12 hour graveyard, (not nearly as difficult as Lisa's 12 hour day shift in steady three digit temps)  we decided that working for an employer who thinks that issuing paychecks is her lowest priority, lower than say mowing the lawn or buying her new lawn furniture.  After six and a half weeks of counting our earnings and spending it in our minds, we suddenly noticed that we had not even received that first check.  Although she, being our employer had complained that we had not arranged direct deposit, she had assured us that the first check had been mailed ten or so days earlier.  Having some bills coming up, I had made three 40 mile round trips to the newly opened post office box looking for it.  I was just trying to convince myself that the mail service here sucked. I'll say it here, I was just starting to suspect that that nice lady might have also lied. About this time we also noticed that the second and third pay period had  come and gone and we were still waiting for that first check.  God bless Lisa, while I was being meticulous in my own passive aggressive manner how to finesse our pay from this women, unbeknownst to me, Lisa, thoroughly pissed off and exasperated, passed the word to the Company Man. Thereupon, somebody in Houston, Texas skilled in the art of epic ass chewing brought the full force and effect of Big Oil down on our self absorbed Boss's head.   Meanwhile, the author of this little ditty, your's truly, was driving back to Briscoe EF, located 10.2 miles South of Catarina, Texas received a phone call from the usually impossible to get ahold of boss who only "texts' but never answers the phone. And for the next ten minutes, I (who was approaching 24 hours of sleepless existence) with a rather puzzled, Okay, I'll say it Stupid  I'm sure, look on my face listened to blah blah blah "unprofessional" blah blah "a good employee does not tell Corporate" blah "just had  a twenty minute phone call" blah HAVE X DOLLARS and making that 80 mile drive right now " (my words not hers)  And I said I appreciate it.  She said something like "HMMMMPHHH".  

Story is getting a little long so Ill try to wrap it up.  After formalities because we had never actually met this  wonderful woman, she gave me three checks (one which has actually cleared leaving us two more.) when Lisa, god I love her said "I really don't think we want to work for you anymore"  Myself, who was prepared to work another night with very little sleep, walked away dimly hearing "Fine", "Fine". "No that's Fine ". "Fine".  We had 45 minutes to clear out. "Fine". The checks by the way were dated two weeks apart like she had actually written them on the date, but numerically in order.  I asked Lisa if she thought we were the only ones who had gotten paid or that we had our own checkbook?  Anyway for the next hour while we were working the trucks and talking with all of the Oil field workers who knew we were leaving we started recieving presents from guys that didn't speak a lick of English.  I got a Bandana from the Oilfield Mafia and a Trucker,s hat from another young guy that for the life of me I could not log his last name and made him pull out ID every time. Several of the Oil field execs had made the trip out to the trailer to talk with Lisa.  She said that the Oil Company had offerred to make our pay.  She politely declined and said it was time to go fishin.  Pretty much that is why I am sitting here with a big smile on my face.writing this.  I know I have not revealed the names of the respective companies here and I should. I guess it is cowardice.  I don;t want to get us blacklisted. The Gate Guard company has great folks working for it but is run by selfish self absorbed offspring of a very wealthy family.  . From the stories I have heard, they are just interested in getting the bodies on the gate..  Secondly, I have always been a critic of the Oil companies.  Long before I ever worked for one.  However these folks have proved to be nowhere near the evil empire types I had envisioned.  They were in fact incredibly nice.  We received the same food that had been catered to the employees.  They checked on us routinely and made sure our road had been watered to hold down the dust. They certainly came to our rescue here, without it, we probably would still be trying to cajole money out of these poppinjays.  The Rigging company wanted to hire us on the spot but Lisa thought it was time for a break and I agree.  After six and a half weeks, freedom smells kind of nice.  We also have a little nest egg. Were gonna get married and go to the Dentist. Oh well.  Age and familiarity tend to set your priorities. We will be back at it next month.   I'm sure gonna miss those Roadrunner's though.

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