
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Oh the uncertainty of it all.

"7 Years of College down the drain"  Bluto, from Animal House

I couldn't help myself from putting down this quote from a Big and Tall T shirt I just purchased in Corpus Christi,  as Lisa and I debate who of the two of us is smarter.  Her with her BS in Criminal Justice or me with my BA in Criminal Justice.  Therefore might seem germaine to us.  To the untrained eye though, us snowbirds might just appear as any old white trailer trash.  Just kidding.  My GPA could be divided into hers by at least three.  Don't tell her or I will lose my advantage.  But anywhooo

                        Foggy morning


      The Road less traveled.   Texas Countryside outside of Runge

                              That's right Glenn, I know how to sport a bald head and double chin with dignity.

“Healthy is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.”  

OK, I stole it but hell, I steal all my stuff.

We were laid off one nine days ago and of course drove the one hundred forty some odd miles to our favorite Port Aransas.  Better to wait on the beach than near San Antonio. We were told that we are at the top of the list for the next gate that opens.  But, there is never any indication when that might be.    Alas, yes alas, we have not even been to the Alamo yet.  One is lucky if one has at least two days notice but more often it is just one. We have really enjoyed working for this company however and are looking fw to hopefully working for them over the Winter if that be the case.    Of the nine days here, about three have been tolerable, the rest, alas again, pretty darn crappy.  Rather than play outdoors in the 40 degree 40 mile per hour wind, I decided to stay indoors, enjoy the smell of a crock pot roast and to catch up on the blog, whatever that might mean.  I noticed this is the 71st post.  I tend to keep up on other folks blogs and decided I'm no more non sensical than many I enjoy reading.

               When it is nice, it is really nice.  My Sand Castle Princess

                                         Silly Selfie

For a little while we added a new member to the family.

Just kidding.  His name was Dinner.   He really fit in by the way

                             Of the many fish that I have caught, most were good for only catching other fish.  Starting to  become a familiar pattern.  Then this Pompano happened to latch on to a Shrimp and the fight was on.   I really thought it would be bigger.  But he baked up just fine with a little Olive oil and Lemon.  Very few small bones.  Will remember that about Pompano.  White meat very tasty.

I have been to Hawaii five times and seen dolphins rarely, a whale once and no sea turtles.  On the beach in Texas, I might see fifty dolphins, twenty five or thirty sea turtles and though I have yet to catch one, I have seen several Bull reds landed that I would guess to be in the forty pound range.  My turn is coming. Just sayin....

 But not today.
  This is cold weather fishing and not very productive.  So my interests have turned elsewhere

          One of the many Tanker ships that glides by us day and night, about a quarter mile away.

                                     So I swiped a picture of this pier and....

                                                   Took a few of my own.  It is also this pier.....

                                        And this Pier....

                                                   And this Pier in the day when it is forty degrees and windy.

So last night Lisa was browsing Facebook(this has nothing to do with the picture by the way) and was diverted to one of the thousands of cute videos hosted by Youtube.  After the video was complete she nonchalantly clicked on another.  This simple act thus began my several hour torture of overhearing various weirdo savants, I guess I'll call them, forecasting endless Doomsday bullshit.  Out of curiosity, Lisa continued clicking down this rabbit hole through several more. Her politics generally mirror mine but she does have an interest in the bizarre and the not really occult, just call it the unusual.  Since the weather is so crappy anything to pass the time.   I've more or less kept out of this realm until recently while driving to Corpus Christi, for RV parts, my ears perked up when the announcer, (a religious channel  I was just surfing) quipped that a direct link existed between the Colombine tragedy and the alleged atheism of Carl Sagan.  I really have no idea whether Carl Sagan was an atheist or not, nor have I cared to know.  But this random association to be linked to such a tragic act caused me to wonder, one who would give this clown airspace to talk about this and two: are we back in the Stone Age?   One "Seer" after the other talked about the coming end in one scenario or another.  Some picking random dates the world would end.  Each had his own idea where the safest location might be in the event of such tragedy, mostly located in the US.  Me, I prefer Tahiti or Hawaii.  Anyhow, before I get too caught up in this there seemed to be a common theme.  One, that the doomsday slinger, though warning that money would be worthless in the future, seems to want yours to buy something he is hawking and the second common theme is that the guy is all knowing.  Seemingly easily answering any question concerning the future with sentences starting with "They "  "They" are seldom identified and "They" be it some unidentified government official, or a member of an ancient religious sect have a hidden agenda to destroy the world.  Now I am not so naive to think that we are immune from disasters, like hurricanes earthquakes and recessions (or even asteroids and bird flu) from financial tomfoolery, and one would be wise to make some preparations in the event.  I think a lot of these guys more than in the past are thriving with their line of crap.  It just seems to be everywhere these days.  Oh well, just my rant.

I'll exit with this thought... " I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.”

Yeah, you're right.  I stole it.  And on that note, I pushed the Publish Button.


  1. Hey Mike,
    Your blog is good. I hope you guy have a good TG. I had fish and chips in Canada on one TG long ago.
    Bob Marsh

  2. Thanks Bob means a lot and I appreciate it; You have a great TG too
