
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Emergency Algadones

Were Baaaackk

Lisa started having tooth pain a few weeks ago but until last Friday the problem just didn't worry too much.  She woke up that morning with the entire side of her face swollen and sore.  We thought the problem worrisome enough to see if she could get an emergency visit to a local Dentist.  This, for some problem seemed impossible.  By self diagnosis, she had decided to just request a Dentist pull a back molar and figured that would solve the problem.  Not only could she not get into a Dentist for a few weeks, virtually everybody she talked to told her they would not just pull a tooth upon request.

So we called the Doc in Los Algadones.  He asked when could we get there.  We  left Monday, and by Thursday after about eight hours in a Dentists chair, Lisa had three Root Canals and sported three Crowns.  XRays taken by the Doc showed three infected or impacted teeth.  And though we thought three Crowns along with three Root Canals excessive, he would not budge on the treatment plan.  So 1400 bucks later, Lisa is fixed though swollen.  He squeezed me in for a filling in between.  We learned a few things about the Doc while we were there.  First, though he is a small one man operation that he runs by himself with the help of one English speaking Assistant, he has been garnering a reputation and is becoming more and more popular.  His Office is nowhere near the entrance where the bigger Operators are located.  As Dentists go, he is  very meticulous and thorough.  Another patient who had driven from Phoenix told me.  "He doesn't seem to be just in this for the money". "He does a really good job." After negotiating the price for all the Root Canals and Crowns, and mind you my last root canal in the states was 1100 bucks, I half joking  demanded a free filling .  He said I deserved a  good customer discount and we wound up trading the filling for a Coke.  In spanish, and through and Interpreter he told me this memorable Joke

"Bill Clinton wanted to get Osama Bin Laden before George Bush.  So he left the White House and went to get Bin Laden.  A few days later Clinton called ahead and said I got him. But clear the way cause he's driving the Airplane."

So if you can stand the Corn, I can't tell you how much I am impressed with the work of  Dr Ceballo.  This is our fourth visit.  The Bridge I had a year ago is perfect.  At this point this guy is our Dentist.

Another little item we have solved in our four visits here.  (In all types of situations.  Last time driving from Idaho taking fifteen hours)  This trip we learned the Yuma City Bus will take you there and bring you back for two dollars each way.  Beats the fifty dollar cab ride or the couple of hundred Car rental fees.  Just go to the Best Western or any of the other Motels with shuttles.  Take the Hotel Shuttle to the corner of Gila and 2nd street.  This is the actual terminal but does not look like it.  It is the Del Sol Hotel, (or something like that)  Catch the Blue Line Route 5 and hola, 45 minutes later you are dropped off at the entrance.  He comes back every two hours until 646PM.

Another Note.  Unlike the states when you go to a Dentist for a Root Canal and over a period of two, maybe three visits one is completed.  Mexican Dentists are accomplished in completing a lot of work in a short amount of time.  They do not spare the Novacaine but just the shear volume of work accomplished, well she is still swollen and a little miserable.  

From Johnny Cash

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