
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Not retired yet

First off, If anybody has Mom's new phone number would they please give it to me.

October 1, and it's supposed to get to 97 in San Antonio and 90 something here.  Checked earlier and it is 80 something humidiy.  Auuugghh

So our lives are not all Paradise as I have attempted to falsely represent.  Expecting a month off, we were called back to work after a week.  And that was after a full seven week stretch. Fraid not to however,  because of how handy the money is  right now. And me being retired and all that.  Guess this is me learning what retirement is.   More on that later.  Frankly we love the guys we work for so no complaining right now. However thank God, the brutal Texas summer is winding down. I'm not so sure how many of them I'm fit to endure. 

It's a mystery,

Sipping Coffee sitting here on an incredibly hot October afternoon, I'm listening to mysterious sounds that have occurred here almost on a daily basis for the many many months that we have been coming here.  No, not Sky Quakes, but just as mysterious, to me anyway.  Nobody seems to know offhand what it is.  Actually, what it is, is not too much to discern but why.  It is actually the sound of two high power aircraft dogfighting, furiously I might add.  And they will go nonstop for hours.   I have caught a glimpse of them through Binoculars only a very few times as they have slipped into clouds almost as soon as I spot them.  And they are I would guess painted some sort of camoflage   And all of it occurs at quite the altitude   Well, I'm betting more than ten thousand feet.  I suspect I have been listening well over three hours.  I'll find out someday, although I almost expect to see one flaming down to the ground someday.  And I almost, if I listen closely, hear the chatter of machine gun fire.  OK the last part is my imagination buuuttt.

Whats this?

Crap he's about to charge

Naw,  He knows what's good for him


Pretty darn sad that this is the best pic I have been able to take of the wild pigs.  They just disappear so damn fast.  This was about a quarter mile away BTW.  Not a clue why he was by himself.  Mostly they are in small herds, or whatever a bunch of pigs are called.  Pretty skittish lot for the most part but we have heard stories. Actually, what seems to cause me the most anxiety here is not the Cats, Pigs, Snakes or even the nasty Scorpions.  No, I would just hate to be caught in the open with a pissed off hive of Africanized Honey Bees.  Now that scares me. 

And now the whole fam damily is here.  Took a bit to get moved but then they were just taking precautions that paid off in dividends.  Making the 2000 miles plus journey with few difficulties.  We also figured they would like it here just as we do.  After all, Corpus Christi located some scant twenty or so miles from Port A is ranked one of the happiest cities in the Nation. Cody arrived here a few weeks ago because he was offered a job and the rest arrived just two weeks ago. They first spent a couple of highly enjoyable days with the relatives here they previously had no idea existed, at Carl and Loris's.  I guess I am grateful that our actions have resulted in their relocation here, where many many more opportunities exist than where they come from. I'm not sure they are convinced of that now, but after they get settled I think they will  And finally, we are toying on creating a winter haven here. Just have not figured out what form it might take.  For my and Lisa's sake all we require is a place to hook up and park the hopefully soon to be bought boat, whatever it might be. But for them it could be something more.  

                    Danny and the obligatory feet in the FB pic on the Beach.  That's my foot on the right.

And Piff


I changed the settings in Networked Blogs therefore some might not see it.  I'm not sure many would consider it a loss anyway.     No, my purpose for starting this blog was twofold. One I really do enjoy putting my thoughts on the ethereal  paper, twisted as some might think they be.  As well as documenting our adventures in our little Castle.  I guess I was inspired by many other blogs I have read, many of whom have been written by other gate guards. I think I have provided some helpful information for say, somebody wishing to travel overseas or to take advantage of medical tourism. Something I strongly believe in.  I have morphed a a bit though, because of all the time that has been at my disposal the past year.  To ponder my little role in the world.  And I have begun to build enormous admiration for the courage and amazing ability of those who really do possess the skill to put the finer points of their thoughts to paper.  Both now and in history.  Think Foley, the journalist who recently lost his head in the Middle East at the hands of extremist Nutcakes. Or what I considered an amazing true life article written by a man inspired to change his career midstream but eventually ended up in a psychiatric ward flat broke.   I am incredulous of the courage of some journalists who embedded with the Islamic Army and posted a five part series to VICE News.  As well as learning a little more of the ills that plague our Nation by the outstanding journalism that has taken place in Missouri.  And not just talking points. But to me this is but a Hobby. But as one buddy put it, I probably should not post political views or social points on my blog on a news feed like FB that some might deem offensive.  I guess that puts me in that classification that I have often used. i.e deprioritizing the entries of those I think a little carried away with their cause.  Most folks, myself included like the lighter fare.  And for me to "in your face"  the casual reader, many of them my old high school cohorts who, excuse me have shifted from a left bent to the right hand so far they can finely examine and admire their own hind end (he, being Glenn claimed I could do the same from the left, and maybe thought I was examining a bit too closely).  I have however been shown enormous respect for my occasional rants and from my standpoint  I am greatly appreciative.  Thus, I am committed to showing the same respect for other's views, (albeit, stupid as some may be). And I promise to remain as open minded and respectful as I can muster.  Where was I? Oh yeah it's all about respect, So, in order to avoid yelling at the television, I have channelled my interests into writing and will in the future include my observations on social and political issues as I see fit.  No matter how misguided, or stupid my peers might think it be.  But, I will not be a pest and I will be glad to remove any of my friends from viewing this if the ask.  

"The statistics on sanity are that one out

 of every four Americans are suffering from

 some form of mental illness. Think of your

 three best friends.  If they are OK, then it's

 you."  Rita Mae Brown

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