
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sometimes I just can't help it.

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” 
                                                                                                       Ernest Hemingway

Sitting here in a Coffee shop in Port Aransas mulling over the month.  So, I have again resumed my four mile daily walks on the beach.  From when I started they have become much less painful.  My buddy who just died from a HA seems to have lived a pretty sterile life.  No Tobacco, Alcohol or any of the other vices I seem to have, thus once again proving that sometimes it really does not matter.  Our fragile existence can come to an end so swiftly and quiet like. So anyway I push myself sometimes pretty hard during these walks maybe in my own mind proving the adage what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.  Well I'll drink to that.

Not much in the manner of blogging this month mostly because of the busy factor.  To update, Leya, Camron Cody and Danny arrived in South Texas last month.  With two dogs and three cats and Apiphany, our Granddaughter in tow..  Sometimes arriving to a new area can be a bit daunting.   With no permanent address, literally homeless but not homeless, it still makes everything harder.  Just filling out employment applications for one.  Leya decided at some point these past two weeks to acquire Appendicitis.  Why? I don't know.  I guess because her brother had it. 

So I meant to take this short video of the Beach on a clear day and didn't notice the settings were black and white.  Looks like an old movie.

So for now everyone has camped out on the beach.   Rates are reasonable right now and we are going to try to acquire some land.  Us for a haven because I'm just not old enough to get my Guvmint check yet.  And for the rest of the family, well we will see what develops.  Looks like it is legal to boondock on your own land so long  as it is in the county and you are in the process of developing it.   For now the future looks pretty bright considering the number of new large companies coming to this area whose wages seem substantially higher from whence they came.  Blessedly, we are returning to work as well so, so long to the Beach for awhile.  Fishing sucked anyway.

Sunset Pics?

Well now, somebody looks a little Angry.....

And this is my wife at work here is a perspective picture that really is very generous in terms of showing how large our little Castle is.

But nevertheless, Lisa finds a purpose for every square inch.

And now I am forced to comment on a somewhat non rare occurrence that happened the other night.  (Hence the name of this Post)  While browsing FB I came across a politically loaded bomb that I knew was guaranteed to elicit very strong pushback from my Conservative friends.  Which was then guaranteed to draw equally strong pushback from my Liberal friends.  Don't do it I thought.  Doooon't  Doooon't  Ooops,  Clumsy me.  Did I just share that thought.  I meant to share the one below it.  Yknow, the one with the Kittens.  Anyway,  a furious battle raged for more than an hour, give or take.  And it was a lot of the usual stuff.  Talking points that people refer to as you know "talking points"  but usually don't assign a great deal of value to.  Actually, I for one still do.  But my takeaway on the whole experience was that, in reality, I am not alone in my thoughts about some of these issues.  Folks are starting to look past the dummy fronts put on by our leaders.  I learned something from the exchange.  Not just the usual back and forth political snarks.  Maybe as a population we are learning from the past.  How easily we have all been manipulated particularly the past twenty years or so, resulting in a lot of mileage on this Country.   But for now, I'll keep my options, mind and eyes open.  

“There’s no one thing that’s true. It’s all true.”

Ernest Hemingway

Hey, this is Cool

See you in the Patch
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