
Sunday, November 30, 2014

And life goes on

Half the fun of this blog is picking the picture on the intro page. 

I noticed I haven't written anything since November 19th. The comings and goings, literally of life sometimes just doesn't leave room for self absorbed ramblings. Good thing. Tens of forgettable thoughts have passed through my head only to be replaced by the next whiffle thought my warped sense of cognitive association develops.  which, now I am quite glad that they did.  Not worth the time or effort to talk about.  

So, the past couple of weeks:

 Oil prices continue to plunge and in my mind responsible for creating some considerable consternation. Job security that is. Doesn't it always happen when you have critical issues at bay. Consequently Lisa and I have accepted every job that comes our way. Some have been short. Couple of days at most. When we were released last week we decided to head to a boondocking location we had spent a few months with several other Winter Texans on Harbor Island near Port Aransas a couple of years ago.  Boondocking for those who don't know is simple camping without hookups.  It can be fun and definitely cheaper.

Both of us had some good memories here.  That period being our initial introduction that has since been our haunting ground the past couple of years.  We had passed this place on several occasions recently though and were puzzled by the lack of RV's.  Previously at any given time during the Winter months there had been between five and ten.  But now zilch.  I perused for signs that maybe the owners of the property had decided that the Snowbirds, some who travelled annually to spend several months at just this spot over the course of many years were no longer welcome.  Nada nothing. 

Yes it is kind of primitive surrounded by wetlands and the Mosquitos a little thick at times, but on most mornings a body can sit in front of his rig, sip a cup of coffee and enjoy the sights.  More likely than not to see a Dolphin swimming fifty feet from the very point where you're sitting or,

What passes as a "Pink Flamingo" around here is actually a Spoon Bill something or other.  We have seen some awesome things here. 

The last time though the local PD decided the Snowbirds were trespassing  and attempted to evict them.  The fact that it was private property thwarted that effort.  This visit though they seemed to have succeeded and we learned how.  "A private public partnership" After setting up, an older gentleman we had seen previously and who volunteered to clean a section of that area informed us we needed a camping permit now. That this was "City Property" I asked about the lack of signage.  He said he didn't know anything about that but told us he had a "sheet" that explained the rules.   No big deal I figured, across the way a permit can be purchased at most convenience stores for a couple of bucks.   I should have known better after looking at the "Rules"  that said the permit needed to be purchased at City Hall, some ten miles away.  No online reservation or payment system.  Nope.  Had to be purchased "in person".  So our little adventure went like this.  The sheet said no permit needed until the camper stayed longer than three days.  $7.00 bucks a week, $30.00 bucks a month and $90.00 for 90 days.  Sounds reasonable I thought.  

So we made our way to City Hall and were directed to the Building Dept.  Forthwith we were asked for ID's.  That was a little unusual but we were told the Police patrolled the area now and needed to know who was there.  A picture in my mind appeared of warrant searches being conducted on our names.  Lisa didn't have hers so they settled for her signature and printing her name. We were also told the prices had doubled and we were only allowed three permits annually.  No three day grace period.  Fifteen bucks "exact amount only and in cash please" But the frosting on the cake was when we were told that either the RV could be inspected for acceptability or we had to provide a picture supposedly to prove it was self contained. This was further explained as I was rummaging my blog for a picture, the word "transients" was mentioned several times and that the area was for "recreating" and not living.  After we left and had returned, Lisa commented that the "new" fee structure seemed to encourage spending more on the extended permits to avoid the hassle.  "Seems to be working I told her looking around the empty area that by this time of year should have  had several RV's parked about. We stayed only three days and observed a few older Winter Texans come down to look , but dissuaded we figured by the probability that they would likely be alone, as we were and the place had just, well changed.  Mark another one up for progress, but those were the clearest night skies.

Last week Leya (my daughter) stepped out of my son's fifth wheel for a few minutes, turned around to grab the handrail to walk back up the steps simultaneously grasping the door handle, thus completing a circuit for 110 volts to ground through her body.  Unable to let go she let out a scream that brought both boys running and only let go after her legs gave way.  Lisa arrived just then and found Leya trying to recover and shouting for Danny to grab two year old Piff, who was heading out to check out the commotion.  After the campground management were notified and an rv specialist showed up, two notable things were learned.  One, that the pedestal ground, where it should have had 0 voltage, now read 120v.  Second, that the occupants of a monstrosity that allegedly consisted of a crew of carnival workers, somebody had wired direct to the system in order to pump some more power to six AC systems mounted on it's roof.  That police weren't notified, or that they weren't evicted that day puzzled me.  (they left a few days later)Leya, who has had a trying month anyway is a strong young girl.  But many occupants of that camping area tend to be older and frailer.  That no one else received the full exposure to that voltage that Leya did.  Sometimes the stars are aligned just right.  Maybe not for my daughter who has now recovered, but a few Grandma's and Grandpa's that get to stay around awhile longer. 

And finally, I read that in Idaho the migration of young folks to greener pastures is leaving the smaller rural towns devastated.  That only the very young or the older folks remain.  But here, in a state as red or redder politically than Idaho, a convenience store or fast food worker is paid two to three dollars more per hour. The difference between Idaho and Texas for young people is palpable.   Educational opportunities abound and in the Corpus Christi area several large Companies will be constructing operations here.  I know Texas has the Oil but there exists some other reason there is such a huge difference. Either way, I realize it is time to drain my modest savings account and invest in a future here.  So it appears the boat and upgraded RV will be on hold awhile longer.

Watched an old movie tonight and damn if that wasn't Will Rogers.  Thought this quote apprapo

There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few who learn by observation. 
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” 

― Will Rogers

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Quick two day trip to Austin in between assignments.  Exceptionally nice visit with Carl Loris and Jerrod until we got called back and made a hasty departure.  During this time I considered how nice it has been Lisa, I and and the rest of my family coming to this end of the country to visit with relatives I hardly ever heard about or seen the past twenty years.  Hope to eventually meet the rest of them.

0330 and back at a site, I have broken out the Espresso machine and I am settling in for a Robert Duvall western.  Short of the Clint or the Duke, nobody makes em better.  But first a late night preacher's commercial about biblical prophecies and the end times.  The Preacher is pretty old and my sense is the comment is directed more or less at the above sixty crowd. His tone is urgent and he embellishes his point I guess to raise interest in this Sunday's broadcast.  I vaguely remember this same guy on different night with the same commercial only it was about other "end of world" events. Islamic something or other.  Or immigrants.  At some point, I wonder, does our sense of fear replace our other senses as we get older?  Do we seek out sources of fear?  Is there an overriding need to be fearful? I am not overly judgmental here, I am just asking the question. Certainly I have not been immune to the twinges when I hear say, Russian bombers have resumed patrols over the Gulf of Mexico.  But hey, the world is always heating up. There have been virtually zero, zilch nada to come out of any of the fear mongering of the past ten years, other than what is likely to statistically happen anyway.   Anybody remember the FEMA Concentration Camps that were being built several (like eight) years ago?

So anyway, I found this helpful and comprehensive list of "End of Times" for informational purposes.


The Cold Front that we are experiencing has had an almost Caffeine like effect on Lisa.  Or maybe more like a too much Caffeine like effect on her. She is wired for sound. At one point as I was apparently standing in an inconvenient spot she suddenly yells "out of the way" as she bolts to the door in response to the familiar gas station hose bell ringing as a worker vehicle rolls up. Rather rude I was thinking but I hate to say it, she is definitely excited to be back at work.  She just enjoys the whole social aspect of the job. As I napped this afternoon each time i groggily got up to go to the bathroom I was met with  "exciting" News" about the operation and the crew.  News that when told to me in that state has a retention rate of zero.   I usually mumble uh huh and fall back into bed. Then later,  during the time when we have a couple of hours together before my shift starts and she goes to bed, she will mention something  that must have been told to me earlier just as I was well, flopping back into bed.  The look on her face conveys she is completely unimpressed with my "Duh" expression because I haven't the faintest clue what she is talking about.  She has to rehash the news she has already in her mind told me.  And what the hell is my problem anyway?   And so it goes.

And I came across this strange Health phenom.  I guess one could say there is an opposite to this syndrome as well. I have experienced the occasional relapse so to speak.  Apparently Doctors are stymied with what an effective treatment might be.




My helpful tip seeing as Thanksgiving is almost here.  Nobody likes a Thanksgiving Scrooge at the table

If the world comes to an end, I want to be in Cincinnati. Everything comes there ten years later.

Mike n' Lisa's quest blog UA-20271220-1 ga(‘set’, ‘&uid’, {{USER_ID}}); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cold season in Texas

Working the past ten days after nearly a month we have settled into our usual schedules.  Myself on nights and Lisa working the days.  Not a busy gig by any means.  We survived  two days and as many inches of rain creating mud and huge puddles we had to negotiate getting to the traffic. Lucky as some places got six or more.  And this would have been a lousy place to get six inches of rain.  At the bottom of a rather steep grade the semi's pulling the large tanker trailers needed a run at.   At one point according to Lisa one of them didn't make it and started slipping down the grade jackknifing in the process.  I didn't see it being blissfully asleep.  And thankfully I guess it got stopped. Well, thats nice.  Anyway Tonight a Cold Front is expected. Our Wave Catalytic is working fine and shouldn't cause as much problems as the rain did.  (non removeable gravel that makes it's way into the Trailer} Kind of pleasant  mostly because of the penchant for these companies to have meals catered for their workers.  And for the most part we have been included.  So we get free space, power, water, sewer and a paycheck and now free food.  And it's not TV dinners .  Some of the guys have gotten involved and demonstrated their grill skills and we have had Ribeye Steak, BBQ Pork, Sausage, Rice and Beans, Bacon Burgers, Spaghetti  and Quesadillas.   We are still working on the Spaghetti. Yeah, I got 99 problems but this ain't one.

2:00 AM and bored watching telly. Sky is clear.  Pretty good breeze kicking up.  The flag by the muster points are flapping pretty wildly.  The flags signify the direction of the wind and which muster point you need to head in the event of H2S gas alarm.  Somebody said it's not healthy moving downwind.  A flash of memory kind of like when my long gone buddy passed gas in a closed car in winter after a pizza smorgasboard. But this stuff is serious. Poor guy caught in an Oil rig explosion couple of weeks ago just died according to the news.  Currently we are located closer to the operation than I normally like.   Occasionally a truck will rumble by at the top of the grade negotiating the huge holes in the road caused by the traffic on the Caliche gravel after the monster rain. Almost everybody has gone home.  Lisa is in deep sleep and I am alone. No, not quite. Larry King is plugging fish oil. Not the dirty skanky fish head and fish gut kind of oil. You know.  From the bad stinky parts of the fish.  No this company extracts the oils from the purest parts of the fish.  I guess.   Age is cruel.  The last night job I had was when I worked at the Gin Mill in Boise back in the late seventies.  Usually we'd get the bar closed up about 2:00 AM.  Being too wound up to sleep I remember  listening each night to Larry's AM radio show during the drive home and then in bed until I fell asleep.  Some folks might disagree but I thought that this was his heyday.  A brilliant no nonsense interviewer he didn't just hang up on folks who called to argue.  In fact he called them out.  I was riveted then.  Always controversial.  Now 81 Larry seems as sharp as ever.  It's just that he has passed that invisible threshold where he is no longer considered relevant my guess.  Relegated to Infomercials.  Course I suspect this abasement is adequately cushioned by Cash.

A job like this is a bit like doing time .  Much time for thought.  Unlike Glenn who remembers every damn minute of his life, somewhere along the line I got brain damaged  and struggle to remember things.  The opportunity of times like this is that the memory stream starts as more of a Ditch but progresses to a small Creek   Random stuff.  School classes and teachers.  Juvenile adventures climbing in and out of a giant canyon.  Ten years old and scampering up and down a vertical rock chute like it was nothing.  Poking your head over a ledge and seeing a Lizard. Something that would now cause me to let go and probably plunge thirty feet to my death on the rocks below, well then was a moment of delight as that was probably the goal anyway.  

For some reason, maybe because it is Veteran's day, I remember being Nineteen and working in a Pizza joint.  For the first time seeing an older guy, (maybe 25) who I had not seen for many years.  Actually he had been somewhat of a neighborhood bully then, (when I had been much younger) and I strongly suspect he shot me in the head with a BB gun at one point, (or knew who had. that had hurt like hell) He'd been drafted into the service I'd heard. Anyway, just off work I decided I was going to talk with him.  I actually didn't have hard feelings as those events had happened many years before.  Maybe I wanted to demonstrate that I wasn't afraid of him anymore.  I walked over to the table where he was drinking a pitcher of beer and said hello.  I thought there might be some recognition, maybe a moment of uneasiness as he realized who I was.  Nope.  He didn't have the faintest clue  and it was evident in his voice as he struggled to talk.  TBI I now know I suspect, but he was delighted to have some company and I sat at the table with him and over a few beers that he bought,  we talked. in general terms and he asked who I was.  I tried to jog his memory a little but it just didn't work. That we had been neighbors and, well he had been slightly an asshole then.  Nope, nada, nothing.   Eventually he told me that he had some kind of non specific war injury but he didn't elaborate.  Overall his affect was happy and congenial with this nameless stranger who he was buying beers for.  And after a bit he struggled to his feet and left, obviously the head injury wasn't the only thing he was dealing with. These are thoughts depicted as accurate as I can remember them. I don't name Names as I would never wish to offend him.  I have never personally seen him again though I guess he still lived in the same town.  My negative feelings diminished, replaced by  more of a sorrowful admiration that this had happened to him.  Many years later an article was published in the local paper detailing his efforts advocating veterans.  I don't even know if he is still alive these events occurring some forty years ago.  I guess this memory is a result of my strikingly different feeling I had of him as I watched him leave.  Iv'e grown beyond trying to analyze shit.

And since this is Veteran's Day a happy Veteran's day to my Dad, my Mother, Carl, Glenn, Cody and My late Uncle George, My late Uncle Kenny, Big El and any other Vet who may read this.   

       It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived

                                                                  General George S. Patton

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Friday, November 7, 2014

It was bound to happen.

I went fishing a couple of days ago.  Didn't catch squat.  But as I was sitting on that Seawall about five feet above the water a Dolphin, probably six feet long casually swam by, not five feet from me apparently having better luck in that area.  He ( I say he be because that was the vibe I was getting rather than anything noticeable on his anatomy.)   rather ignored me and swam back and forth several times.  I never get tired of watching.  Yeah, that's last years pic above. 

I know Texas needs water.  But two days solid in and out, checking trucks in and out, did I mention in the rain? And the Mud? That never stopped.  For two the rain?  

Cool Website I came across

200 ways to make money online or something like that

On Wednesday Morning being all fired up (Bless my wife for she has allowed me to continue breathing, I drive even myself a little nuts some days.) I sat down and wrote the following:  Angry Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah  Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.................

Here we go again.  The never ending back and forth political cycle although things have changed,  Some might say for the worst.

Yes I'll admit these past few years I have been an avid liberal, but I am not so naive as to read only what some term the "Liberal Media".  In my many arguments, (arguments that I always won of course with my formerly alive best friend, though likely he would disagree)  Jeff almost always responded to my point that I acquired said information from the aforesaid "Liberal Media"  Therefore the content was untrue or slanted and thus lacked value to back what ever point I was making. A Conservative response I guess to being forced to look at reality.  But to my point, a conservative blogger made some troubling statements recently that try as I might I can't reconcile.  He said that Citizens of (Insert State) were concerned about the real issues of today. These he listed as "Benghazi", efforts to raise the minimum wage and the IRS scandal targeting conservative groups that really aren't supposed to be involved in politics anyway.  But always will be I guess.    With the exception of the minimum wage issue which affects me personally as I watch mine and other young people attempt to escape that trap, the other stuff at the risk of offending, is just the run of the mill every day political porn.It just doesn't ring my buzzer.  So much troubling news happens each day around the world, somebody has to prioritize.

  No my reasons are personal.  It's a world I would rather live in.  See, I wasn't all that political in years past.  It's happenstance that formed my views.  Not just my opinion on various social issues but the quality of my and mine's life.  For instance  my 401 went up twenty percent this past year indexed to the Stock Market which has attained record highs.  I suspect under Republican rule the amount available to me would have been much smaller because of unchecked and hidden fees.  And I pay much less for gasoline than I have in  many years freeing up more discretionary funds there. So I decided to jot down a few more reasons why I am apprehensive about this pendulum swing.

1.  Credit Card reform  For example, I know now that if I am late on a payment now, yeah, they will raise my interest rate but only for 90 days.  And only if I am late on a payment for that card.  Not a competitor.  I know that they are required to provide more transparency in their fees and the statements are required to be much simpler.   They are not allowed to hold my payment in order to deliberately extract a late payment, nor mix up the due dates. I no longer will get charged 50.00 to make a payment over the phone in order avoid the late fee and hit to my credit.  In one instance that occurred in about 2007 while attempting to cancel a credit card a foreign representative  midway in my contentious conversation blew an AIR HORN into the phone.  And then denied that he had done so, demonstrated to me the complete contempt the Banks had of me.  Lawfully stealing whatever they wanted from me with no consequence whatsoever.  

2.  Obamacare.  Yeah I see the stuff pasted all over FB about the raising rates which always accompanies a pic of usually a young man, or a young family.  Head down.  The wording at the bottom of the page that they have lost all hope.  Yeah umm.  It's crap.  I worked and paid for insurance for my entire family my whole life.  When I hit my fifties and retired, my accumulated sick leave went to COBRA.  $500 plus a month for two years for what amounted to catastrophic health insurance.  No co pays, discounted scrips.  Nada.  Yeah some, a small percentage lost their insurance because it didn't rise to the legal standard.  But at my age to purchase any kind of insurance would have cost in excess of a thousand bucks a month before ACA.  If I could have gotten it at all with the few prior pre existing conditions I had.  Had I purchased the insurance and gotten sick, well the insurance company could then hire a private investigator to extensively research my background in order to determine if I had misrepresented a condition on my app.  Then cancel me without paying a dime.  Preferable I'm sure for the insurance companies to go that route than heavens, pay a claim..  The insurance we have now is not great but comes in around two hundred a month.  And has many more bennies than what I had for $500.  I'm not bound, as so many my age are to work for instance retail in order to have some access to health care through an employer until Medicare age.    That is if you make it.

Just to make a point on this.   An associate roughly my age refused to purchase insurance because he was not eligible for any subsidies having made so much the year before.  A little under eighty thousand with no dependants  He balked at paying somewhere in the area of 500.  Funny how the times change.  The bigger crime in this minimum age world are the states (those with the highest population of minimum wage earners) refusing Medicare expansion.  Denying those who didn't make enough to qualify for ACA any insurance whatsoever.

3.  Many know I was a Parole Officer for many years.  Time and time again young men and occasionally women migrated into the system as a result of behavior issues resulting from Combat.  Substance abuse PTSD whatever.  The country pretty much learning nothing from the information that so many of the old homeless were veterans of wars.  These kids, kids who probably would have had productive normal lives now struggled.  Their futures bleak and relying on everchanging "adjustments" to their medications to offset the voices, nightmares whatever it was they brought back.  Wounded warriors of a false war created by people mostly for personal glory and profit.  Though there exists instability in the Middle East created by us, the wars are for the most part over with the Troops being pulled out.  I am confident under a Republican Administration this would not have happened.  Just never ending wars and endless messed up kids.

4.  Though I never have personally, because of the last Republican Administration I know that declaring Bankruptcy is extremely difficult.  I know that credit card companies wrote the law to benefit themselves and that credit card debt enjoys a higher priority than say other debts such as housing.  That many people who previously could discharge medical debt, wind up putting that debt on credit cards and thus can never discharge that debt.  Thats unfair.

5.  The fact under Republicans, private Banks handled and profitted immensely from handling student loans.  Collecting interest on taxpayer money to a vulnerable population indentured forever to pay back that loan that can never be discharged.  Forever screwing kids just trying to get a leg up. Blah blah blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah and Screw it Blahhhh

Midway through it finally dawned on me, well this is kind of stupid. The people have spoken. The count is all but over and this is how it fleshed out.   So, the other side now has a chance to govern.  But today, gas is cheap.  The stock market is at an all time high.  The minimum wage is trending up and a whole lot more folks have health insurance. Prison populations are shrinking and there is some indication the war on drugs is coming to a close.  Is this enough?  Not by a long shot.  So the new/old guys have another shot.  See where it goes.   Me.  Well, work hard play hard I always say.  Oh, and watch Alpha House "and the closest thing to the real thing, "The Walking Dead"

Cool stolen quote of the day

“If your beliefs don’t fit with the facts, then just pound the hell out of the facts until they do.” “ by Michael Palmer

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