
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Quick two day trip to Austin in between assignments.  Exceptionally nice visit with Carl Loris and Jerrod until we got called back and made a hasty departure.  During this time I considered how nice it has been Lisa, I and and the rest of my family coming to this end of the country to visit with relatives I hardly ever heard about or seen the past twenty years.  Hope to eventually meet the rest of them.

0330 and back at a site, I have broken out the Espresso machine and I am settling in for a Robert Duvall western.  Short of the Clint or the Duke, nobody makes em better.  But first a late night preacher's commercial about biblical prophecies and the end times.  The Preacher is pretty old and my sense is the comment is directed more or less at the above sixty crowd. His tone is urgent and he embellishes his point I guess to raise interest in this Sunday's broadcast.  I vaguely remember this same guy on different night with the same commercial only it was about other "end of world" events. Islamic something or other.  Or immigrants.  At some point, I wonder, does our sense of fear replace our other senses as we get older?  Do we seek out sources of fear?  Is there an overriding need to be fearful? I am not overly judgmental here, I am just asking the question. Certainly I have not been immune to the twinges when I hear say, Russian bombers have resumed patrols over the Gulf of Mexico.  But hey, the world is always heating up. There have been virtually zero, zilch nada to come out of any of the fear mongering of the past ten years, other than what is likely to statistically happen anyway.   Anybody remember the FEMA Concentration Camps that were being built several (like eight) years ago?

So anyway, I found this helpful and comprehensive list of "End of Times" for informational purposes.


The Cold Front that we are experiencing has had an almost Caffeine like effect on Lisa.  Or maybe more like a too much Caffeine like effect on her. She is wired for sound. At one point as I was apparently standing in an inconvenient spot she suddenly yells "out of the way" as she bolts to the door in response to the familiar gas station hose bell ringing as a worker vehicle rolls up. Rather rude I was thinking but I hate to say it, she is definitely excited to be back at work.  She just enjoys the whole social aspect of the job. As I napped this afternoon each time i groggily got up to go to the bathroom I was met with  "exciting" News" about the operation and the crew.  News that when told to me in that state has a retention rate of zero.   I usually mumble uh huh and fall back into bed. Then later,  during the time when we have a couple of hours together before my shift starts and she goes to bed, she will mention something  that must have been told to me earlier just as I was well, flopping back into bed.  The look on her face conveys she is completely unimpressed with my "Duh" expression because I haven't the faintest clue what she is talking about.  She has to rehash the news she has already in her mind told me.  And what the hell is my problem anyway?   And so it goes.

And I came across this strange Health phenom.  I guess one could say there is an opposite to this syndrome as well. I have experienced the occasional relapse so to speak.  Apparently Doctors are stymied with what an effective treatment might be.




My helpful tip seeing as Thanksgiving is almost here.  Nobody likes a Thanksgiving Scrooge at the table

If the world comes to an end, I want to be in Cincinnati. Everything comes there ten years later.

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