
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Spring in Texas

"A great deal has been said about the weather.  But very little has ever been done."

Mark Twain

And so, it has been a bit of time since I added anything to this blog.  Not from disinterest, but because as the way of life, we have just added so much to our plate.  Well first, my wife Princess Persistence Incarnate decided this was the place she wanted.  It's a foreclosure in rough shape and it was pretty obvious that because of it's location, the bank was holding out for developers probably due to the size of the lot.  It's a huge house with what looks like a mother in law apartment, two car garage and an acre of land.  After a number of discouragements and rejections, it's finally looking like the princess is going to make it happen.  With thirty five grand of fixit money to boot.  It's going to need it.

This is the only pic that survived the reformat of my Android.  A huge stone fireplace exists just to the left.  With the crazy high rafters, looks more like a Viking hall.  But anyway, the place is a little rough

This is a couple miles from the house and more or less our reason for home basing here.


This may be a bit premature, considering we are expecting another round of storms tomorrow, but last Monday we experienced a Tornado warning.  The kind that says take cover now blah blah.  Lisa and a handful of others headed to the clubhouse which is the most substantial building here.  Most folks just elected to ride it out in their RV's.  Sadly, there a some old folks been here a number of years really are not mobile, nor inclined to do anything else.  As I have said it before, the prevailing sense is if ur number is up, it's up.  When they do elect to take cover, it's usually to get drunk.  According to Lisa, this was the general conversation and disgruntlement that occurred.  Nobody had any Vodka.

I thought I would wander out in the Bronco and see what I could see.  Would like to at least have a heads up.   This is the before storm.

 The downfall however was blinding and as I watched, a lake formed in the road.  Have to warn you. miracle of miracles cuz we are in a drought.  A Gol durn Ocean fell on me.  Couple of minutes in to the following clip I check the weather radar on my G5.   The red border is the area under Tornado warning.  The Blue dot is us somewhere's near it's border.  Fortunately, and like I said probably prematurely, we experienced no real damage but are expecting another round of bad weather tomorrow night. Guaranteed I'll have some Vodka.   A tornado did touch down on a construction site about twelve miles away and tipped over a couple of work trailers and sent some guys to the Hospital, But nothing fatal.  It's a bit eerie listening to the wind howl.  

This is the after storm part.  A bunny exited from the field on the right and swam across this.  Who knew?  Well, there was that one Jimmy Carter thing.  And no, I missed the bunny shot.

                                           Have to include the random deer pics.  Taken at the location of our last job.  Which ended very nearly a month ago.  ,We worked nearly the entire year with very little time for fun.  And we have a summer ahead of us that looks to be the same.  Only of a different task.  That being to wheel and deal with contractors.  So on the eve of my sixty first birthday, I am really looking forward to much more fun times ahead.  Congratulations to my nephew Evan. and my sister Deanna getting one marred off.  Hehe.  For the first time in my life, well forty years or so, I came back from a long stint  up North working in the oil fields that maybe I should pay a bit more attention to getting my mail caught up  with me.  And that I was maybe in a little bit of problem with the law.  See I missed a jury duty notice by about three weeks.  The Court clerk was fairly understanding and I am going to have to volunteer at a later date.  No not the highway crew.  Jury duty.

I was a bit encouraged by the feedback from my short story.  My old college buddy Nan suggested an Editor.   And after looking at it again, I certainly could see why.  But Editor's can be expensive .  So what the heck, I cleaned it up a bit and submitted it to a few sites.  Have not received any rejections yet.  What the heck.  Can't win unless you try right?

Anyway, till later

Lena Horne Stormy Weather

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