
Monday, September 12, 2016


    Back in Idaho after a year.  In the last two or so thousand miles, We've had two concerning incidents with the Chevy Truck.  The first a separated tire which I wrongly thought to be a bad U joint. But at three hundred bucks less spendy than could have been. (This is the third gawldamned set of tires I've had to buy the last three months.)  But it also necessitated a tow, thanks to Good Sam, and a couple of nights in a paid campground which virtually goes against every Cell in my body of my stick it to the Man and Camp  Naked   ( I meant Free) every chance I get

    And the second turned out to be a loose injector wire. Triggered on a bumpy road.  The "Service Engine Soon" light which should say instead "What's your credit limit again?" was blinking crazily  in the corner of my eye.  And, it was running like shit to boot.  I limped it back to Camp, where we are located ALONE some six or so miles out of town.   Thankfully I've an on board OBD reader that told me what to look for.  But we were going to have the campground to ourselves the following weekend and I was kind of looking forward to that.  Anyways.

     So I panicked and headed for Idaho.  Another four hundred mile day.  And that Old Chevy Truck ran like a dream the whole way at five or six miles to the gallon. Sorry, I'm exaggerating.  Sometimes only four. I'm starting to think this ole Travel Trailer is a bit heavier than it looks.  

     Anyway, I kind of wanted to get a few things done while we were at Dad's.   A few things turned out to be a little more, a little more and a little more.

     First on the list, we cleared out a huge pile of  Spider Habitat.
I mean pine branches that had been accumulating at the side of the house for years.  That was project one.  Three loads to the dump.  An all day affair.  I gave up in a huff at seven.  (Martini Hour which was damned near over).  Lisa soldiered on until eight which also included weed whacking and everything.  That was Day One.

This is what it looked like after the three loads of old pine branches.Then she removed the Monster in front  and this is what it looks like now.

This was an all day affair.

Next came changing out a broken light fixture on the Garage while Lisa attacked the Overgrowth.  All told, we had seven trips to the Dump. But I gotta admit.  Dad should enjoy not having to fight the vegetation every time he goes someplace.  Like out the front door. 

     Or try to get into his Car.  

So now he has a fighting chance.

We also tackled the fifty some year old Deck.  Had to replace a few steps and a Hand Rail.  We both walked on it some and I half enthused bounced up and down a bit.  So it'll handle a bit of weight.  I had a few plans to reinforce it though.  

After the first coat.

              A coat of paint turned out to be a little bit like putting lipstick on a pig.  There's only so much you can do for a fifty year old deck.  So I made a few changes.  This is what it looks like now

        Couple of new steps. Rebuilt the Handrail.  Reinforced the stairs and an extra brace under the Deck. Also cleared the trash from the back yard. First coat of paint in fifty years  That'll probably do for now.

        As for the old sliding door.  Hasn't worked in years.  Looked it over and I can tell that it has no intentions of ever working again.   So took Dad to HD and ordered a new French Door.   Should look nice with the new coat of paint.  Guys should get it installed this week.  

Also unusual about this trip, we had the pleasure of meeting a few cousins.  Gail, one of Jimmy's kids actually stopped by after spying our TT in the driveway, who were we and what the Hell did we want from Ralph. Damn if I wasn't a bit impressed Dad has long lost Cuz's looking out for him.  We talked for some forty or so minutes.  Like Cousins everywhere, I've learned the conversation has no problems flowing.  One tends to recognize family even if I haven't seen any of them for forty plus years.  Just something I learned meeting other lost relatives in Texas.  Uncle John swung by as did Linda, one of Dick's two girls.   And we picked up a couple of phone numbers of volunteers to check in on Dad on occasion.   

Looks like we'll finish here and head to Twin Shortly.

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