In December of last year Carl and Loris had a BBQ and invited several folks related to myself that I have not seen for probably the better part of thirty years. It was an excellent day and my apologies for not getting this out earlier. The Northern half of the family to my knowledge have not had much contact either. Talk about a hoot. In any case this is for that half of the family. Ok, maybe both halves.
Darcy and Carly
Jared again
Sylvia and Lisa
Andrew and Elijah
Carl and Loris
Myself and Sylvia
Andrew, Marcella and Ava
Back Row: Andrew, Carl, Carly Darcy, Sylvia, Loris Jarrod, Sana, William, Mike, Lisa Jared
Front Row: Anna, Camryn, Ava, Marcella and Elliam. Hopefully but not necessarily in that order.Sana, William Darcy and Loris

The Old Guy. And in that vein, cut the old guy a break if I made any mistakes here. As well, I would also be glad to rectify that mistake. Thanks go out to the Henderson Clan. Thank you so very much for the reunion and the hospitality.
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