
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Safety Greeters

Finally, the days are getting cooler and the bugs are kind of thinning out.  In our latest Gig for Conoco Phillips, We have been retitled.  We are now "Safety Greeters"  A title that CP want us to take very seriously.  And we do.  We are required to inform all visitors of CP's strict rules regarding, Alcohol, Drugs, weapons and Pornography.  As well that all visitors both are clean shaven, possess all safety equipment and are current in their training.  These guys are awesome.  At the end of the day, they ask us if we need anything from town, offer to take our garbage and to relieve us of the Porn that they believe we have confiscated.  Of course we just advise the rules.  Not enforce them.   Anyway.

  Occasionally we hear about trophy rattlesnakes seen nearby but we have yet to see any.  It has only been recently that we have seen, let alone been able to photograph some of the native wildlife.  (Photo below)



                                  You dont want to scare them

And speaking of wildlife, just as I finished this post, I detected some movement out of the corner of my eye and not ten feet away out the door stood a gray fox just standing there looking at me.  I spent the next five minutes unsuccessfully trying to take a photo of it.  It didn't even seem all that frightened.  Just transfixed by Jimmy Fallon, playing on the tube .  Go figure.  It wandered around awhile giving me every chance but I couldn't seem to figure out how to turn off the flash.  Consequently all the pics are too dark.  Stupid camera.  Next check for sure.

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