
Monday, December 9, 2013

Just Fooling About

Johnny Ringo: "My fight's not with you Holliday"

Doc Holliday: " I beg to differ sir.  We started something we were never able to finish.  Play for blood if you will."

Johnny Ringo: " I was just foolin about"

Doc Holliday: " I wasn't "

Tombstone, the greatest story ever told.

I inadvertently recorded these last few minutes of a dolphins life.

The big ship bore down on it, unaware of it's presence. It had no chance whatsoever.

I couldn't watch

Actually, this was a bunch of dolphins, a
 gaggle if you will.  And this is what they do for 
sport. What is whoo hoo in dolphonese? 
And of course the last moments of a dolphin's life is in bad taste.  Apologies.

 When I set out to go fishing a couple of days ago, this kept running through my head.

I had been fishing at the South Jetty way too long
with less than satisfying results.

Soooo, I picked a new location.

And after days that turned into weeks fishing at the South Jetty, I picked a new location, the Ferry crossing.  Note the sidewalk instead of the bone jarring boulder constructed finger that stretches a half mile out into the Ocean.

And within forty five minutes, I caught the biggest fish of my life.

No not this one. Even my wife won't buy that this is thirty eight inches.  Or I should say my wife will be the first to not believe  this is thirty eight inches.  In fact, if I don't have pictures, I face a lifetime of "of course I believe you" and " remember when you said you caught that big fish and nobody believed you.  I did dear."  Yada Yada.

Buuuut,  landing this guy turned out to be a little different matter. So after battling for awhile, I managed to snake out my cell phone and get a few pictures.

Of course though this is after both he and I were kind of tuckered out

I had to get this guy out of the water myself, snag him in a net and lift him six feet to the sidewalk.  Then I had to make a decision as to whether to keep him.  Red Drum fish this size tend to be more for trophy than eating.  In fact their meat is tough and they tend to be wormy according to the older fishermen around here.  Therefore after measuring him, I then threw him back, or more accurately rolled him off the sidewalk since I estimated him to be between twenty five and thirty pounds.  Mission accomplished.

(Note hands raised to the heavens and angels singing in the background) Llllllaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.

By the time this get's posted, another cold
front has hit.  We are back in the patch and might as well  make a few bucks to weather the storm and plan our next adventure.  

Kind of in closing: these past few weeks Lisa and I have ended our unintended silence and have been talking with family and friends. We've heard all the details and events that have been shaping everybody's days.  It is especially satisfying as we go into this second year in this new life, that at this point in time, (though there are some who might not necessarily agree), from our viewpoint all is well.  The events, stories and problems we hear that are occurring from across the country, well, is life.  Not just living, but experiencing, striving, failing, coping and above all else, moving forward with purpose.  Bear with my penchant for quotes and particularly this next one from Hunter S. Thompson.  No not the slide into the grave in the well worn carcass one circling the Internet, but this one I found more from my point of view.

"Music has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel.  I have always needed Fuel.  I am a a serious consumer.  On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio."

I wish all health and happiness and a long life.


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