
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Across the Country almost, in black and white mostly then aw crap

So starting on the sixteenth of last month we set out on a 7 state ordeal to make a quick trip to Idaho to catch the second Bday of our Granddaughter.  Flying back, I got stuck in Salt lake City for the night.  I spent a fair enough time poring over various cheap hotels and picked one mostly because it had a shuttle.  All for 46.00 bucks a night.  It's not like there weren't any other good deals in SLC, on any other night there were.  Just not that night because of a convention of Salt Lake Citers or some such thing.  So after picking what I thought would be an appropriate fleabag, WITH A SHUTTLE on, Where as soon as you push the button you are already past the deadline of getting even a partial refund back,  So, I gave them a call to come pick me up..  Manager says the Shuttle driver is gone and he does not have  a badge to get in the Airport.  He invites me to take the Light Rail.  So, affable guy I am, I say sure.  Now I have two fatal flaws that Lisa tends to make up for me.  Consequently as a team we tend to get around pretty effectively.  Alone, I am a disaster.  The first:  I couldn't navigate myself out of a paper bag without a GPS.  The second loveable characteristic about me that has plagued me my entire life and has been passed down generation to generation is a tendency to be absent minded. OK that is kind of an understatement. Seriously, when my son was little and his Grandfather came to visit, I became aware the next morning that my Dad, couldn't find his car keys, I couldn't find my wallet and my son, who was about seven at the time, couldn't seem to find his backpack. It was kind of hilarious all this scurrying around trying to find crap.just to start the day.  Anyway, back to my story.  Naturally I became confused and disoriented trying to figure out the SLC transit system.  Anyway I soon figured out that I had passed my stop about six stops and needed to get off to take another train back.  I just barely stepped off when I noticed my back pack containing my LIFE, was not on my back.  I swung around to grab it just as the train doors close.  Vainly punching at the button that's supposed to open the damned door.  Aaaand I watched my stuff speed away.  After geting over the gut wrenching of it all I contacted a transit cop checking tickets.  He listened sympathetically and even radio'd ahead to try I guess make some kind of positive outcome of it all.  Problem is I have been in that guy's shoes.  Looking at some poor dumbass like myself and we both knew my stuff was gone permanent.  I have experienced some incredibly good Karma before.  But you just sense when it has run out. .  I have put in a report of the stolen stuff and I have googled as many black magic and voodoo sites as I could find in the hopes that whoever swiped my stuff will have a lot of bad shit happen to him.  Kind of like those stupid Final something movies. As soon as I am alone I throw a tantrum properly reflecting the dignity, or lack thereof, of  a guy of my age nearing sixty.  Anyway... (Ive been saying Anyway a lot sorry)vghju8  So after a virtually sleepless night, I go to the lobby of said fleabag and pluck a powdered sugar donut named "Continental Breakfast" and ask the nice lady if I could have a ride to the Airport.  She says she is clueless as to the driver's location but that he has taken some folks somwhere, not the Airport.  I kind of thought that was the main purpose of the shuttle, and the driver's existence. Shows you what I know. Anyways, make a long suffering story come to a close, the driver shows up ten minutes later.  Says he cant't take me to the Airport for forty five minutes.  Fleabag rules the guy says.  Guess I probably should have put this whole rant on Trip Adviser, just I don't want to get sued by the Motel with the initials EL, the first word being Econ... something something (in Salt Lake City).  OK.  

The trip was fast and we were only in Idaho a few days.  I took the following  pics along the way.  I think some of them are interesting given that we were in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming , Utah and finally Idaho.  Little time to see the family, hit a Bday party and little else. 

We stopped in Wellington in North Texas for lunch at the Roberson Family Resturant.   For six bucks you get Chicken fried steak, bowl of Beans, salad, french fries, drink and chocolate frosted yellow cake.  As I have mentioned before I think. Every town to the last tiny cotton picking one has at the least, a Pizza Hut, Sonic and DQ.  The last time I ate at Sonic, for a few burgers and some extras it came to twenty seven bucks.  

Whether you're a believer or not, you'll get a healthy side of Jesus and be served by a waittress you know whose name is Flo or some such. . .You'll also eat with good people with  Texas accents so thick you can't understand a word they are saying.  You just know they are damn fine folk.  Never in my life have I had the door held for me so often or been addressed as "Sir" so often.  

                                    Interesting Texas Landscapes or boring Texas Landscapes depending on which side you are on.

                      I like taking pics of water towers.  I don't know why, Cuz I do.
                                                                        Shamrock, Texas Duh

i                                      Nearly all of these Towns are old.  Some are dead.  Not sure why this one seems to be thriving.  They really all look alike.



                                         And Windmills.

                                                                                                              And Old stuff

And sometimes just basically nothing.

                                                     Lisa calls these "Halloween" trees.


                                                   Freeze action at 75+ mph.


The following two pictures were taken with a zoom.  Lisa just happened to see the silhouette of the praying Cowboy.  It is strategically placed and seems to be a memorial of some kind.  Anyway, I think these are just awesome as you can tell from my header pic.

                                                                                            b                                                                                                                                Beat and Dog weary tired in Oakley Kansas.  

          I dunno, I thought there might be rainbows and cute little cartoon animals running around the front lawn.  Maybe there is if you partake.  Instead there are armed guards and cameras.  Denver, CO

Angry weather building over the Rockies.

                           Ever see the old Stephen King movie "Langoliers"

And if I have completely bored you then No, I will not be giving you back the last ten minutes of your life.  Maybe better luck next time. Anyway we just purchased the Cruise to Barcelona. Should be interesting. Ardvaark.  

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