
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Again no snakes

After a month long run all over the world kind of vacation last April, returning to the dismality (New Word) of South Texas can be a little taxing.  So it's time for random events, or what Glen calls ramblings, or rantings of an old Dude.  I can't remember.  

But our view went from this....

And this...

  To this.....

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not being ungrateful.  They're both beautiful in their own way of course.  It's just a new kind of excitement, sort of.

Anyhow  Lisa and I somehow do not seem to be losing the weight we collected over traveling something like 12000 miles, two weeks of that time being on a cruise ship.  Anyway, thinking the sluggishness is just because we are as my Doc told me,  not spring chickens anymore. I have finally come to the realization that if I intend to carry on with my threat that we will never upsize our digs because of the size of our assets.  It's probably going to take a little work.  Speaking of "Spring Chickens" Lisa,  actually is a little bit more of one than I am.  She's just off fifty whilst I, on the other hand, wish I was just fifty.  Therefore we have dug out all the cookbooks that facilitated her loss of some sixty pounds and myself a mere forty some odd years ago prior to our Italy trip and are going to take another crack at it.  It's funny, I have a craving for a glass or two of red wine or a martini most nights and hell no, for the most part, have I ever denied myself this pleasure.  Until now, or for the past month and a half.  And the month and a half before that when we were working, and whenever we are working.  I kind of thought that removing those nightly calories would somehow lead to some magical weight loss.  Uh uh.  Seems if anything those dalliances kept my weight down and I suspect blood pressure too.  I'd be tempted to sneak a sip here and there just that I have never drank on the job and don't intend to now.  Not that I haven't shown up with a hangover or two.  So anyway we are fan's of "Rocco" Dispirito's  "Now Eat This" and an Italian followup.  And we will see how creative our cooking can get in our little 21 footer.  Updates for later.
Now Eat This

Our recent cruise has really turned my whole attitude around as far as a vacation.  No, I doubt that I will ever fold into the "Cruiser" lifestyle and just shoot me if I should ever pack a Tux for one.  But during our last little foray, though physically challenged as I have aforedescribed, we made excellent friends and seen some amazing sights.  The beauty of it being after your various visits to the different ports of call, you get to return to the relative safety of you stateroom to be waited on hand and foot.  I'm not dissing our after adventures in Barcelona and Amsterdam, but the cruise part was just less stressful.  Ok a lot less stressful.

So we are entertaining our next adventure to be the far East.  However, everything seems to embark from either Shanghai or Singapore.  I tend do my research before these trips and both of these cities seem to have serious drawback if the warnings on the Internet are true.   So I guess we will get it sorted out.  One of the reports said a guy got fined a thousand bucks for an unopened carton of cigarettes in Singapore.  Similarly on the other spectrum there have been a lot of robberies of tourists in Shanghai.  Oh to be a traveler.  So addicting however.  BTW if anybody is interested this guy has one of the coolest traveling websites.  I have been inspired by some of his writings.  Not that I will ever, ever go to Yemen.  But a good source for researching future possible wanderings.

Wandering Earl

The paper from my old home town Twin Falls, Idaho  had a front page caption showing the TFPD looking for a robber they thought had escaped somewhere on the street that I grew up on.  I thought to myself, Wow wouldn't that have been some exciting stuff when I was about ten.  Subsequently that triggered a dream that day, (remember I work nights).  In the place I am now and after many many years, I have started to dream again at night.  For better or for worse it is what it is.  Some of them have been pretty bizarre which I won't go into.  But this one was a very very vivid dream of life in Twin Falls, Idaho in about 1964, from a ten year old's standpoint.  (Fifty years ago.  Wow, didn't think I would ever be saying that but, thank goodness I can.)  Crystal clear images from the wintertime early morning sessions waiting for the school bus on the beautiful tree lined old Blue Lakes Ave. to my old Elementary school where Albertson's now sits.  I saw the other kids that I used to wait there with and even the coats they wore then.  This dream had wonderful detail and involved more than one sense.  I felt the cold weather, freezing wind through my clothes.  The frost on the ground and ice on the puddles that I heard crunch as we stepped on them,  And a mental picture of what  the rest of what the old neighborhood looked like at that time.  I also dreamed about the basement of my best friends house around the corner from mine.   Many a Tarzan, Jungle Jim  and scary Friday night movie was watched there.  Yeah Glenn.  Your old place. Couldn't remember the address to find a pic of it.  Our old place looks a bit rundown after fifty years.
                        (Old House from the Net)

We have moved three times since coming back to work six weeks ago.  Usually I'm busier in the evenings but these have been slow assignments  And the 93% humidity. And the heat.  And the Mosquitoes the size of Butterflys have kept me inside under the AC.  OK, and I'll admit it, a couple of days ago during the wee hours,  I sensed a movement in the corner of my eye and outside the screen door I saw a black object run very fast past the door.  In the middle of the road and under the lights no less.  Now we are usually a couple of miles from civilization and tucked back in the country more or less alone.  As I grabbed for the camera what it could be was going through my mind.  At first I thought it the size of a fox but then I don't know.  Might have just seen the aft most parts.  When I finally bust out the door with the camera, whatever it was, was long gone. Now, a month ago the wife of the guard we replaced we were told had seen a panther just outside her door. Prior to that at one of our other assignments in this area the company man told us of an eccentric rancher in the area who collected exotic large felines that we should keep a watch for.  I thought that if one escaped surely something would be in the News.  Then I recalled the guy who had been killed about a mile from our assignment last summer on the border.  As we heard it he lay on the side of the road  quite some time before anybody come to get him.  Random Passers by taking cell phone pics.  Pretty grisly sight we heard. That didn't make the news.   So's unlikely I guess if one little kitty escaped anybody'd be talking about it much this being Texas.  Or my imagination's just runnin wild which I suspect is the case.   Anyway's it's nice in here just sippin coffee.  No reason to go outside in the middle of the night.  

Anyway, I forgot to talk about the snakes.  Dang it's hot and humid outside.


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