
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Too old to think this hard

Looks more like Sherwood Forest than Texas.  

There's Gators down there
(Figuratively, there's really no Gators in the Pic)

Auuuggggghhhhhhh.  It is really, really hard to find things to do when trapped such as we are.  I feel like a caged Tiger.  OK, maybe not a caged Tiger, more like a caged Tiger... thats been fixed.  And maybe fed a tad too much.  But dammit,  a caged Tiger none the less.  Normally I find all kinds of things to do.  This location however, due to the gigantic mosquitos requires me to be all sieged up with a fly swatter in order to nail the occasional mosquito commando who manages to penetrate the screen door.  And man these are some big ass repellent proof mosquito's.  They have some big ass stingers and the ability to get you right through your clothes. Also, in true Game of Thrones fashion, I have twice dashed out the door the past twenty minutes to hurl as many rocks as I can grab at a couple of Skunks that have wandered into my little circle.  The trick is to try and get as many rocks off, (no pun intended) as possible to scare them off and get back into the trailer before the ever present swarm zeros in on you.  

I wrote the following paragraph earlier and thought about it a while before publishing it Because it is a little soapboxy.  Blogger shows me that some folks actually read this, occasionally, once in awhile, from time to time, maybe.  At least one guy from Vietnam. Anyway, it is never my intention to offend but it is after all my blog, and at the ripe age of middle age, I get a rant once in a while.

OK, I was watching Jimmy Fallen' s late show the other night.  Jimmy was guessting (New Word) Kevin Spacey. (I love House of Cards) The conversational topic  between them centered around the hardships that one endures presumably between bridging the gap from commanality to the greatness these guys have achieved.   They were exchanging stories between them, some comical, about the difficulties  trying to support oneself while striving to break into show business.  One story after another I found myself mentally clicking  the crimes off in my head that were probably committed and what the police report probably would look like.  Seven years of retirement seems like nothing.  Any way Kevin more or less said the following statements:  "I took a tuxedo from where I worked to attend a Dentists convention"  (Grand Theft by embezzlement)   (Impersonating the voice of Johnny Carson)  "I'm Kevin Carson, Johnny Carson's son.  I was supposed to be picking up two tickets" (Theft by fraud)  " I got to stay and eat for free (Criminal tresspass and petit theft or possibly defraud innkeeper.  Maybe even Burglary).  The stories got a laugh as they rightfully should.  Most folks this age have similar stories.  As I myself do.  Jimmie Fallon is 40 and Kevin Spacey is 54 respectively,   Nobody seems to have a problem talking about our youthful discretions. Well maybe some of us. But we have some kind of magical pass. Clinton, "I didn't inhale"  Obama makes no bones about his past drug indiscretions that in today's world would be both felony and misdemeanor.  Reagan I read spent a couple of nights in jail. Jokes are made about W. Bush's DWI where he sported a BAC of .18.  Those who deal with this problem know in most cases this is barely conscious.  Cheney's couple of DWI's in Montana or Wyoming.  Hell it goes on and on.  But that pass ended with us.  In today's world even the slightest screwup can mean some very detrimental things happening to your life.   In one of the southern states a young lady is serving a probation term and will pay many times the price of a parking ticket conviction.  Hell she might even go to jail for failing to pay a private probation company that will keep her under supervision as long as possible to reap the maximum profit.    That peoples lives can be sincerely impacted by failing to buckle a child in just once.  Maybe even the loss of that child to the state.  There are some pretty recent insightful articles about this.  Hell, I can't count the number of times I got whacked in the face as my Mom instinctively put out her arm as she pulled up to a stop sign.  Waiting in the care with my siblings while a parent ran into a store or place of work. Anyway, I'm treading lightly here being a former PO taunted by various public defenders over the years. But it is important to realize the freedoms we have indeed lost as a result of the shenanigans of both political parties and the rising Nanny state that can't seem to differentiate between a real gun and a pop tart. An amazing book "Rise of the Warrior Cop"  by Radley Balko depicts this in some dismal detail, The war on drugs proliferated a number of laws and acts created by the federal government that seriously eroded the 4th Amendment and created an environment conducive to combining military and law enforcement operating in our own country. Once thirty years ago that would have been thought unthinkable. Many many innocent  folks have been killed in drug raids of wrong addresses and without warrants.  Law enforcement has been tantalized by the easy money of forfeiture and the ease of acquiring a drug conviction.  One of the early surprises of the legalization of Pot in Colorado is the serious reduction of crime as Pot cases consisted of nearly fifty percent of that state's crime problem.  Those who scream for the National Guard to be activated to assist the Border Patrol should be thinking twice about it.   It's a slippery slope.  
WSJ Rise of the Warrior Cop

Washington Post

Finally. I recognize and appreciate the sacrifice many officer's make.  I am the first to recognize a good job.   In my life I have known good cops that were considered bad cops by the people they worked for.  And I have known bad cops who were considered good cops by the people they worked for.  I suspect this guy is of the latter variety.  

CHP beating homeless woman

IF you are one of the five or so folks that has not seen this, a link is provided. It's kind of gruesome.  I've already seen the CHP spin machine working and this action is somehow described as keeping this woman safe.  That we should not rush to judgement.  I know a little about this and there is nothing that will change my opinion of this officer.  He should be fired and convicted of what looks like attempted murder.  Had the citizen not gotten involved this guy would have continued and possibly killed her.  It was not always like this.  Am I the only guy getting tired of this kind of crap.   Hmmmph.

            Art imitating life.  Storm Trooper Cops spoof

Idaho is beautiful.  Idaho has been good to me for the most part.  But, I have been a resident of Idaho my entire life  Life just kind of got in the way and  I didn't find the courage to venture outside of Idaho until a couple of years ago when Lisa and I just sort of bugged out in a popup camper. It's not  for everybody.  Have our live's improved.  Overall I would have to say a yes.  We have kinda sorta landed in Texas and will probably for the most part remain here as a base.  But the people we have met, the experiences we have had and the opportunities that have come our way, even at the age we are now, have collectively been very positive. I'm convinced this was the right thing to do.  Of course I am a realist and know things can turn South in an instant, but we are pretty resilient. Now the kids, a couple of them anyway are venturing out at a much younger age.  Idaho, particularly the Magic Valley, well let's just say it is not the land of opportunity like it once was.  The  jobs available are low paying service, factory or what is commonly considered contemptible by the population, government jobs.  The lowest paying area of the almost lowest paying state in the country.  In almost all the metrics Idaho is near the bottom with the exception of one.  And that is the number of people leaving.  Particularly folks with advanced degrees.  Oh of course Idaho is growing in number of retirees which more or less means the status quo is likely to continue.   ( I get a mental image of when the kids move away, the local Starbucks being manned by cantankerous geezers.  Hell, maybe it already is. )   Anyway, the Twin Falls Times News recently featured a columnist whose editorial slammed Idaho Democrats on their efforts to increase the minimum wage, asking smugly, how stupid did they think Idahoans were?  That Idaho leaders should concentrate on the things that matter to true Idaho conservatives.  Benghazi, The IRS scandal and how to get rid of Obamacare.  Really, this is almost a quote.  And he's right. Things that have nothing to do with infrastructure, education or opportunity.  Idaho leaders continue to pour tax money to lure low paying industries for the "real life minimum wage experience".  And of course there is also the High School to Prison problem that even the Governor said is an issue.  I'm not saying it's impossible to make it there.  It's just grown a lot harder since my day.

So after many months of careful planning, for better or for worse, they have packed up, not in a popup like we did, but in a thirty foot fifth wheel heading for greener pastures.  And, while still in their mid twenties to boot, having the opportunity to see the country as well.  All I can say is wow, how flipping awesome is that?  Makes me proud

                                Our Peeps

From County Road 322 


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