
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sixty and still Slogging

Wow, this drought here has been really bad.   NOT.  I still don't get it.  Guess I would have to see the figures.  And maybe that would classify me as a "Drought Denier".  Twenty to thirty mph winds and the hot water heater pilot light worked flawlessly and we were never without hot water during this multi day storm.  Wind stops, Pilot light goes out and we have cold water.  WTH.  Anyway recent (this morning) Pics of our world. 

                       Samsung just does not give this Sunset justice.  It was all in the colors.  

Our Floor at the entrance

Mud to the right and left

We have been relatively busy the past two weeks working Rig moves.  A  gig of just a couple of days each. It pays though. Still trying to stay busy as this entire industry seems to be shutting down incrementally each day.

But it is what it is.  Price of Oil dropping out of sight.  Checking various blogs from other gate guards reveals rather dismal news that many are idle and dropping out of this business.   Apparently unemployment in the Oil states is going up.  Not likely going to be very different for us.   I've paid more than casual interest to the many forecasts from the financial networks.  I suspect barring anything weird, the price will eventually rebound, or the Oil companies will figure out how to extract cheaper. Still, ironic that in past jobs the hundred dollar price per barrel proved crippling, now that I have moved on it has dropped under two bucks a gallon.  So we will probably continue trying to work as the alternative is not encouraging.  We would be OK but living subsistence only.  Borrrrrring.  And since we are both college graduates,  how hard can Hamburglar college be.  Just kidding.  But if I were starving, yeah I'd ask if you wanted fries with that.    Either that or fishing professionally.  Yuppers, think that's what I'll do.

I thought a bit before writing this and a bit embarrassed to throw in my two cents because really, I'm not qualified.  But shit.  I just finished reading American Sniper.  I enjoyed it.  Little did I know it would be a political flashpoint.  Opinion pieces written daily relating "what is wrong with our Culture" to this movie and sir Eastwood  (What he's not been knighted yet, he should be)   And Jesse Ventura won some kind of defamation suit against his estate over what has been reported as a fictional "punch in the face" .  (Ventura, who I used to grudgingly admire, well no longer enjoys that status unless he were to turn around and return any deniro he receives to the widow of Chris Kyle) In addition there have also been reported unsubstantiated, yeah "fantastical" claims that Chris Kyle stated he killed two thugs trying to rob him, for which the bodies were never found and also that he had also claimed shooting several bad folk during Katrina.   Of course diligent attempts to verify that info has turned up nothing.  I don't know or care.  What is substantiated is that he became a SEAL, something only 10 out of a hundred actually accomplish.  (Could be less, I'm not an expert)  And that he served four tours and killed something like between 160 and 255 bad guys).  Oh, and received a slew of medals and the thanks of many for what they believe was preserving their lives. And was shot three times, blown up six times and survived two helicopter crashes. And after all of this, he was killed by an unstable veteran whom he was attempting to help.  

Look, I'll round it to this.  I live in Texas now and have a bit of a feel for the people here.   I also have had the good fortune to meet or know truly remarkable people. Not just here but everywhere, people who during their lifetime had faced truly daunting times.  And some of those people, whether it be a knack for storytelling or some residual affect of those experiences they had endured, have embellished when no embellishment was needed, for whatever reason.  They had my awe at hello.   But  it happens and I am mostly puzzled during those times.  Easily detectable I have been able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Actually, the guys I have known like this probably were spinning some stories from the time they were thirteen.  They are known as "Bullshitters"  Lies told in humor to friends over Beers.  Where Peco's Bill and Paul Bunyon came from.  From all accounts Chris Lyle was larger than life in almost everything he did.  In his book he talks at length of the pranking and unrelenting hazing directed at his peers.  Competition of a certain group of people that yeah, maybe I do worship at the altar of.     So, is it possible that a couple of whoppers leaked out from a session, or given what he had been through psychologically, that maybe reality became confused with fantasy. I don't know. And really I could be wrong about everything.  But when I see some, not all of course, but a sizeable number of media types who place everything about a man's life under a microscope over a couple of fantastical stories (on balance with what we genuinely know) that got out as a chink in the armor to bring down an icon of a movement or group they dislike.  Besmirching a man of this stature is not just a little wrong,  It's reprehensible.  

So, uh anyway, guess I'll end it there.   Mike n' Lisa's quest blog UA-20271220-1 ga(‘set’, ‘&uid’, {{USER_ID}}); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.

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