
Monday, January 19, 2015

Five miles down a crappy muddy road

Where we camped the last week  Best of camping in South Texas youbetcha.  We squatted in this spot serving a gate during a rig move.  Actually the place was quite picturesque but because of several days of rain the countryside, and particularly the road had been reduced to a muddy, soupy mess.  Because the large tanker trucks travel these gravel roads 24/7 large holes becoming small lakes formed in the roadway necessitating a top speed of about two mph, otherwise known as first gear in low 4x4 range.  Gonna miss this old Bronco some day.  Someday's I just don't get this Texas is in a drought thing.  This pic was taken several days after the rain and the mud still hadn't dried out.

When it's like this, the outside soon becomes the inside.  Nothing sticks to shoes like this clayish combination of mud and gravel.  Cleaning is not an option because thirty to forty trips in and out checking in vehicles, well let's just say the mud migrates back in as fast as you can get it out.  Really it's not so bad except when getting out of the shower or getting into bed with dirty feet.

Eighteen months ago borne on the fear of the legendary size and number of Rattlesnakes indigenous to Texas we meticulously adhered to  remedies sworn by other RVer's as effective in protecting one's space from rodents and snakes.  I purchased a weed whacker to trim down areas of long grass and we spread moth balls copiously under and around the trailer. We routinely sprayed the area with bug barrier and I inspected the underseal of the RV on a regular basis.

Well, complacency does have it's costs.  In short order we got invaded by mice.  And boy do  I hate mice.  Currently we have about five types of traps all scattered around.  I've located the little bastards where they lurked and cleaned out the last vestiges of them, I hope.  As well as finding and plugging any possible entrances into our little adobe.  In the process I came across this behind a panel at the foot of our bed.

Dried up skeleton of a Scorpion that had made his way in but died.  Hopefully because of the Insect barrier.

Speaking of snakes, in one of our recent postings, we were told that the type of snake on this youtube video had been displaced to this property and cautioned that they posed no threat to people.  Check it out.

Sooooo, what's going on?  We've approached a few banks and are applying for prequalification to buy a place down here.  Hopefully close to the water, for fishing purposes and where the "someday gonna have a boat" is going to be stored.  

For some reason this song keeps going round in my brain.

Well, maybe it's seeing a couple of members from my  "old days" crew.  But for some reason every time I close my eyes, I hear a fart machine too.  WTH, I'm sure it will come to me.

"Go to Heaven for the Climate, Hell for the company".
                                                                                  Mark Twin



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