
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The five stages of losing your damn wallet

If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.


It finally happened.

Oh it had happened before.  Just not in this way

Yup.  Lost my wallet. Permanent Like.  Oh not like it might show up in the mail or something.  For all intents and purposes it's gone and not coming back.  Got up two days ago and Lisa wanted to check our lottery tickets.  I said they are in my wallet.  She said "I know"  "Where is it?"  "Usual place I said"'.  And she said: "No it isn't!"  I didn't appreciate this because I had just woken up and had not yet had a cup of coffee.  Lisa for some reason drinks the instant stuff first thing in the morning and had already had hers.  Thoughtlessly, I mean really thoughtlessly ignoring my needs and digging at me about my wallet. "Woman" I told her "you are starting to make me panic". And that's when she told me that she had already looked "nearly everywhere for it".   Lisa is the bloodhound of the two of us and is called on, alot, to find various articles I continue to lose.... alot.  But the wallet permanently lost? I don't think that has ever happened before. And so it started.  At first:

 DENIAL:  It had to be somewhere.  We just had not looked everywhere.  Just a couple of days ago I had watched her go through it and take out the credit cards,  and other things she thought might be too valuable and left in our insurance cards plus my Drivers License, Fishing License and a couple of Debit Cards,  So in reality she had in fact minimized the loss somewhat.  I have two other credit cards and they were not in it.  A Pin number is required for the Debit Cards.  But it was that Texas Drivers License that was really making me panic.  We are more than three hundred miles from our permanent spot and possibly on the verge of picking up some extra work.  That Drivers License that I had worked so damn hard to get.  So we backtracked, tore up and asunder and looked in every nook and cranny everywhere for two days. And it just wasn't anywhere to be found.  

ANGER:  This can't be happening to me!  I am gifted and OK, special.  Wasn't it just a couple of years ago when the same wallet had fallen out of my pocket (knocked out if you ask me by some unknown assailant.) during a long bike ride of about fifteen miles.  Someone had found it, picked it up and taken it to my residence and tossed it in my front lawn.  Somebody else, (actually a couple of kids came by my house, not knowing that it was me who lived there, spotted my wallet and went door to door until they found my neighbor, who happened to be  home at the time and held it for me.  He called to tell me he had it before I had even ridden my bicycle back to the house.  (How did I know that it wasn't me who left it on my lawn?  Because I had used it during the trip. The wallet had been found on a lightly used canyon trail that was one of my favorite trails located over five miles away.) The lost wallet had actually beaten me home. Now thats Luck. Now normal people don't get that wallet lucky.  Yep, lucky me.....I'm gifted. One things for sure above all else, I'm wallet lucky.  Therefore it's reallly gotta be somebody else's fault.  LIIIIIIIISAAAAA.  Who responded: UUUUUUUUUUP  YOOOOUUURRRRRS.  Well, maybe even a little more profanic than that.  So I sulked a bit and glared at her.  And she glared right back.

BARGAINING:  Last year when my Backpack and Computer were ripped off, What? OK, I left it on the train accidentally but the sonofabitch that RIPPED IT OFF could have left it there.  But.  Since, I now have my Android and new computer loaded with the latest and greatest anti theft programs.  I can GPS locate them.  Wipe them, shut em down, change the password, send messages, moon the thief and/or take pictures.  All remotely.  Did I think of doing the same thing with my wallet.  No, I've never lost my damn wallet. So why the hell would I do that? So all I gotta do is find it one more time.  God?  You listening?

DEPRESSION:  Lose yur damn wallet. It's depressing. It's depressing as hell.  I was depressed for two solid days.  It's just damn depressing.

ACCEPTANCE:  "ShitCrapShit"  Now I gotta do a bunch of damn pain in the ass stuff.  They're gonna shut down my accounts and I won't be able to get at my munny.  Oh woe.  But I guess that goes in the depressing category.  

So anyway, make a long story short, Though Texas, who like to brag about no regulations and stuff, actually do have a lot of regulations and stuff, and can be damn bureaucratic at times.  To get your DL replaced however,  easy peasy.  And after a two hour wait at the local DMV, a rather amiable and pleasant DMV clerk made the process relatively stress free. Same for my Fishing License and Wally World.  Ten bucks for a replacement.  Debit cards were cancelled easy enough and thanks to Lisa, the damage has been minimized.  Now I just gotta apologize, you know.  Without showing weakness.  She's still got to respect me dammit. 

Moral of the story?  Don't lose yur damn wallet!

Under the $ sign means the Dollar beverage has too be purchased with another hot item.  Hard to see here as it was when I walked in. Driving by it's like "Heyyy.  Big Soda's.  Only a Buck!  Gotta get me one of them".  Buuuuuut, I got bushwhacked for another forty cents or so and faced with a poor clerk likely making little more than minimum, I more or less kept my comments to myself and paid the difference.  I really don't have any beef with Stripes overall as far as convenience stores go, but just for giggles I looked Stripes Inc. up on Wiki.  565 Stores.  This is one of the larger signs out front.  Guess I can't even imagine the number of folks who just pay the extra forty cents like I did,  .0?  x 565=?  Better'n Las Vegas.

K, if this doesn't make your day, well it makes mine.  This is my grand daughter.

The following YouTube video is supposed to sound like Authentic ancient Babylonian music.  Really kind of haunting. 

So, till next time, I'll just hang out here on the beach in Texas, in the rain and nonstop twenty something mph winds.  Where it's supposed to be a lot nicer than everywhere else in the World. 

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please
                                   Mark Twain

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