
Saturday, December 19, 2015

And it's Saturday, Democratic Debates

So I watched em.  Hillary, who has been around the block at time or two and has figured out the rules of the game, vs Bernie.   So who is Hillary?  She's, ambitious and she's learned the rules of the game, played by them.  For my purpose here, I'm sure she has very good intentions.   She's also the one who has withstood the battles.  Under constant scrutiny and answering all questions during unrelenting hearings.  Accused of any number of humiliating actions.  She shows up every time and walks out head held high. She's earned every one of her battle scars.  And that's where my respect lies.  But she's also realistic.  Her goals are restrained, what she thinks she can accomplish. She got beat up trying to put together single payer health care in the 90's. She remembers the early 90's.  I know she has the shadow of a possible devastating email, or gasp, that something in her past can be somehow elevated to the level of well, Benghazi.  The war cry of those who get all excited about her presidency.  Wouldn't make a bump on a gnats ass compared to say,  the absolute crazy batshit spewed by the other side.  Killing families of terrorists, alienating a substantial segment of the population of not only the world, but the country.  So, I guess that's what you get by diverting all of that money from education to prisons.

Then there's Bernie.  Same message every time.  Thinks big and at this point of his life, willing to go all out.  But the reality is Bernie is just going to work.  It;s always been the same. He goes to work each and every day. Same issue.  Somebody on the other side says it's not unusual to not show up for work every day to earn a representative of the people's salary.  Personal stuff and Campaign stuff is more important. Some people are just, well, kind of special and deserve special consideration.   Not Bernie.  Hasn't missed a day since, well?  Anyway,the rich and the poor.  The minorities, the women and the children. Those are Bernie's target demographic and he thinks about them every day.  The coal miner's and the dock workers. Minimum wage and fast food workers.  Twenty years ago, Bernie got up in the morning, woke up by an old alarm clock and  donned one of three or four old suits and went to work, always a half hour early.  Bernie had the vision to see long in advance what was happening to the country. It was just which issue was to be a priority. They changed from day to day, week to week and month to month. He always supported the little guy. Who isn't getting the fair shake.  The message behind the message.  Yeah dangers await outside our borders, but most lie within. Bernie won't admit it I suspect but he's been scared a few times.  Maybe during the civil rights marches.  But he has always been mission specific.  Expose the hidden agendas of the rich and powerful who'd trade their six year old's birthday party for the future of your's.  And now at 74, he hasn't got a damned thing to gain from a president's salary. There's no after glory for him.  The presidency age's guys who are forty for Christs sake let alone a guy who is 74..  He'll be lucky to get through one term let alone two. He knows that everything he's promising will be an uphill battle. He doesn't know how many years he's got left.  But Bernie probably wakes up to the same alarm clock and wears one of the same three suits. Looks forward to going home to his wife's Chicken pot pie. Maybe the nightly martini.  In the old days he'd smoke a pipe, read some work stuff and then go to bed. Talk to his wife about the enormity of the job. She'd tell him this was just who he was and what he did.  And Bernie'd be satisfied with that.  Resolve intact, go to bed and ready himself to do it all again. Just going to the Office doing what he's always done and what he's always been meant to do.

For the sake of my children, I'm really hoping Bernie's got it in him. 


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