
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Talkin to the Ocean

Have been battling a bit of high blood pressure lately coupled with lazy assedness and gitcherassoffthecouch syndrome.  Decided to take a hike today after a few weeks of inactivity and headed to Port Aransas.. The first few miles were kinda painful, but then I just seemed to find my stride.  Specifically while listening to TED.  The end of the walk almost came to soon as they say.  See the Ocean does positive things to me. Refuels the soul. Talks to me if you will.  The tension ebbed from me as I more or less serenely sauntered over to enjoy a few more minutes of the cool breeze, salt smell and beautiful view.  Suddenly, the whole experience was cataclysmically destroyed when I ran my head into the overhead canopy seen above. Shattered my soul and returned me to that unhappy place I'd painfully left after the first few miles.  Waste of effort.  I'm still waiting for an apology from the damn Ocean.  Could'a warned me or something.

Am I the only one thinking Trump would be in a whole lot of trouble if he were saying the things he's saying today in middle school?  While watching a whole lot of journalists (term used lightly) trying to interpret these crazy things he's saying as anything more that the words spewing forth could mean.  Or trying to make excuses for the people who follow him.

Trippin through the Internet the other day, well, because right now there really isn't much else to do.  Come across a study I've provided a link to below, that I coined "Bullshit".  It states folks who believe in inspirational quotes tend to be religious, believe in the paranormal and are to put it: Stupid comes to mind. or thats the result the author intends...  First glance at the jumbled word sentences they say are produced by a "New Age Bullshit Generator" fella tends to take a double take.  "The unexplainable is in the midst of boundless chaos" is a little weird.   Now I take this all a bit personal and at first I thought it might be a right wing think take retaliation against abundant studies that tend to lean towards Reds being slightly less intelligent than Blues.  But nope, found it in Huffpo and if anything the article could be viewed as skewing left.

Here's the thing. Though I've never seen one, I personally believe in little green men.  (Well maybe they aren't green)  But I think there is an abundance of evidence to believe something is out their and from time to time finds its way here.  Oops, seems like Stephen Hawking also shares this view or some version of it. Just keepin my eyes on the sky hoping to see one before I die.   I also tend to believe in believable conspiracies as well.  Voter suppression laws for instance are passed on a grand scale represented as preventing fraud. (Bullshit) Something that has been proven to be almost nonexistent.  Supporting Charter schools has twofold benefits. Gutting schools while controlling content with a dark agenda.  There are already disturbing indications coming from studies of voucher schools.


That people "hung out" with dinosaurs. dragons are real and Africa needs religion, all on the public dime blah blah.  More or less crazy stuff. And Climate Change denier's, just a whole lot of stupid people being led around by their nose by the rich few who pay for the propaganda palaces. And finally, Will Rogers, Stephen King, Albert Einstein, Krugman, Mark Twain, etc have all been quoted one time or other.  I tend to find considerable meaning in those words.  I'd add that I'm also not ready to consign honest people with deep seated beliefs to the above category as well.  So nuff said about that.

Lisa and I just finished an amazing Sci Fi channel flick.  Childhoods End, or something like that. Come a long way from Sharknado I and II. The weird thing is there are some disturbing similarities to a story I wrote last summer.  Mine is much more crude, but whoever did this produced the epitome of that tome.  Then it occurred to me that somewhere I'd read that there exist only so many plots that are recycled over and over.  And how Freaking interesting is that.

So, did I talk about Sake'?  I didn't did I?  Well maybe next time.  

"Good Health is entangled in a symphony of force fields"

                                             Mutton P. Head

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