
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

So it's gonna be 90 tomorrow


We made a couple of bucks last week working.  Our 2500 HD pulls our little Castle like it's nothing.  More like driving down the road more than "Hurling" like it felt with the Bronco.  Every corner a fight to stay on the road. 

We ...again scored health insurance after being rudely thrown of their roles last June.  We purchased a pretty good plan so I guess it's best not to put stuff         off any longer.  Dad just hit 85 and Mom's 86.   I envy that.  Course growing old is no picnic, but how do they say it? Oh yeah, the alternative is worse.

Since she rarely reads the blog, maybe I am that boring, but nobody is as much a pleasure to live with as my wife.  I've never met anyone that was so goal oriented.  She keeps us on plan pretty much no matter what.  In the process she also maintains this small space to a degree of such orderliness and cleanliness that crap, when she's gone I go through vertigo.  No kidding.  I have a bed "spritzed" for a nap.  Or maybe I need to shower more often.  Hmmm. While she nudges us with economic effort and unlimited patience, I sit around griping "I'm bored. I got an idea".  She says "No"  stick to the plan.  And while I know it will work. I'm the kind of guy that well, says "I'm bored, wait I got an idea".  Anyways.

We pretty much share the cooking.  Danny who lives across from us comes over for a couple meals a week.  That way we know he's not just eating potato chips and jerky, or protein shakes whatever.  We eat really really good as sometimes meal preparation is the major event of the day.  Yeah my extra two or three extra waist inches aren't an accident. We make some pretty spectacular stuff sometimes.  We have an indoor and outdoor kitchen.  Along with two ovens.  Thanksgiving was a breeze.  Now I'm hankering for seafood other than shrimp.  And Sake.  I have decided I like Sake.

 Leya gets a hold of us occasionally but we haven't heard a peep from her since she started her new job.  It's nice to see her and the grand baby on FB but just not the same as the real thing.  Piffy lived with us just short of a month before we came down here and transferred her back to mom and dad to go to Nevada.  But we heard she asked Santa for sand for Christmas so I suspect we'll be seeing her again.  Kody drives down from Yorktown once in a while.  When we were packing up to come back from our last gig, Kody arrived with the pup. Brutus came to say hello at a dead run, got half way through the Cattle guard and froze.  I didn't even know he was there until he started barking at me.  Awesome dog.  He's going to be a duck fetching sumbitch that dog.

 It's going to get near 90 tomorrow.  Not the 60's and 70's that I like. God it's December 11th.   Just after we invested in some fancy patio furniture that we intend for our place that we hope to get sometime next year.  A fire pit and four chairs.  Good start.  

This current RV park is the best we have found, but not only for the bargain.  There's a dark side to everything.  One might expect there'd just be retiree's in these places but there's a lot of folks who do the full time RV thing and folks who weekend and folks who on the outside seem pretty normal.  But as I found out a few months ago when camping next to someone I thought was pretty average,  he actually was kind of a disturbed kind of guy.  He was a war veteran. It was an interesting, if not intense time which I won't go into here, but glad I moved.  

Now periodically I talk about people we have met on the road and sadly, we hear that one gentleman we parked next to for several weeks a couple of years ago, had a stroke.  I got a pic with him, his wife, dog and a huge African Parrot they traveled with in their fifth wheel, while they were taking an evening walk.  We heard it from his wife.  They had been coming to this area and boon docking for many, I guess man years. Hope the best for him. Though we were "roughing it" in a popup, those are good memories for Lisa and I.  Makes one contemplate the good times don't last forever.  Just don't miss those middle of the night events stepping outside to pee a couple of hundred feet from the sign that said "Caution Alligators"

 While we are thoroughly enjoying it here, (actually this is the best park we have come to) some of these places are pretty dismal.  They look OK from the outside but the manner in which they are managed make a HOA seem like Switzerland.   No kidding, at the last place I was escorted off the property.  Really, by an old duffer in a golf cart who followed me out.  Now I kinda approached him to ask if that was what he was here for.  He said No No.  Just visiting.  But like I said, when I left, the ole duffer followed me out.   Now the leaving was a mutual understanding after three "Camp Hosts" came knocking at my door because I had a leaking check valve.  After that it's a bit like being stalked. I was told my spot had been reserved and there was no place to stay. And honest to god, one of them screeched. Really, it was a screech. Not at me but I heard em yelling at somebody else.  And y'know, that's just really something I don't need at this stage in my life.  Anybody coming down here, give me a buzz and I'll tell you which ones to avoid.

Damn, a cat hauled a small Copperhead home to it's owner from under a trailer about fifty yards from here the other night.  And that lady's and gents is why I never leave this adobe at night without a flashlight.

So it's late and I wanted to throw out this final ditty  Though it's five and a half months until substantially more economic freedom, this ole brain has learned a few things.   One, I truly regret "wishing my life away" when I was approaching retirement from my career occupation" .  I would go into my office late at night sometimes to make up work and think with satisfaction that it was the downward slide. Having a date in mind that I would walk away from it all.  Well I did.  And I discovered, as during most years of my life, there were always an abundance of good times and good memories.  It was always about the journey.    I was stressed getting the kids to school  Stressed getting to work on time.  Stressed getting to all of the family stuff that had to be met.  I feel bad now that I considered some of those things as stressful. As I remember it now,it was the crisp frosty fall mornings when I'd drive them to school.  The Saturday morning wrestling tournaments.  The Friday night football games. The trips to scout camp.  Remembering my pretty wife in her scout leader uniform talking to a crowd of parents who were a bit awed by her imagination all the amazing things their kids had been able to do.   The recitals, the shows, etc etc etc.  They were in fact the good times.  These days every day is the best day.   A million bucks can't replace contentment, family and awesomeness.  So yeah.  We'll have a few more bucks to play with in a few months.  But for now, well, great weather, great location and great company.

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