
Friday, October 7, 2016

My People

        We've been travelling about two months now.  Spent what I previously would have thought too much time in driveways as well as a smattering of nights in Walmart's.  Now I wouldn't trade it for the world.  We started off at Carl and Loris's.  An immensely pleasurable couple of weeks in Austin.  Then spent a couple of weeks in the Colorado Rocky mountains,waking up to the Arkansas River each morning. Then off to more relatives.  Linda and Summer in Wyoming.  Couple of days in Saratogs soaking in Hot sprngs. Then Dad's, then the rental in Twin. where we had an excellent visit with Jeff and the neighbor Lady Tiffany.  Got the place rented and then off to Farfield and three days there.  One at Soldier Mountain, and another in James Driveway.  Dinner with Matt, excellent conversations with James and Michelle and, as in every stop along the way, Lisa just needs a kid fix.  Eloise fit the bill.  We even ran into Ernie along the way.

Got to Boise and a fast trip to Moscow for Lisa to see Shannon.  A visit ten years overdue.  Grand views of the Salmon and Clearwater Rivers.  Fall foliage and awesome mountains.

                                    Could I get him to even give me a look.  Hell No.

And now we are in Boise parked, well not really on the driveway, looks more like a lawn. I'll see Mom this week but last night an absolute hoot with Lisa's sisters Sheila and Dana.  And it was good to See Scooter.  One of the little ones now Thirty years old.  Wow!  

   But the real standout here is these have been meaningful visits.  Not just the pleasant conversations and short visits I'd sort of envisioned, but honest to God, meaty get togethers consisting of mutual "damn I've missed your ugly face". Beers have been quaffed and Mattini's drunk.  Lies have been told  and decades old memorable life forming times unearthed that had been previously tucked into dusty drawers in the back of my mind.   Make no mistake, those were good times but also evidence of the character of ourselves.  Me in the company I kept and visibly observing with pride how these old friends have turned out. I certainly haven't been able to visit everybody I'd like to.  And along with that I also have the best of intentions to visit those I've missed.  Constraints of a mostly financial nature.  But, then I'm no spring chicken and a realist and life happens.  And some doors close.  But I gotta say, the last couple of months have been a good ride.

    I could kick myself the lack of pictures.   I've sure missed the clear streams, turning leaves and frosty temps.  It really is the best time of year best spent in this neck of the country.

               And Lastly, it looks like Trump has finally provided the "TRUMPGATE I'd predicted.  Yeah I'll take credit, er not really.  The real credit goes to the UNTAMED RANGTANG.  Like it was not going to happen.

  But I gotta say.  Was it the words Fuck and Pussy that turned it around.  Or was it the rightful images of economic crash.  Advent of major war against some other World Power and untold numbers of dead kids.  A government plunged into Dictatorship.  Not the imaginary one as described by  the ever present victim stance of  right ring Foxlings (You know, War on Christmas and What), But a real one. With real Martial Law.  A Militarized Police and loss of freedom and privancy and all the good stuff with having a unhinged leader who goes by the name of Mussolini.  Papa and Baby Doc, Vladimir Putin, Prez Assad and some INMAN named EYE A TOLLA.  So if we missed the bullet, AWESOME! (I appear to be shouting, sorry).  And I hope, nay pray the election is all but over and the Rangtang won't be able to buy a cup o coffee in a few months.  If not, then well, ......., then Fuck.  But damn it was good to see all my old friends.

   RangTang at his best in 2005

     Fuck Pussy and yknow, well I'm rich

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