
Thursday, February 1, 2018

And Life Goes On

     Love taking pics of the Super Moon.

November 8, 2016 while parking overnight in a Walmart parking lot,  in an unmemorable town somewhere in New Mexico after driving well over 500 miles to watch election results.  We had good reception and well over 5 hours battery life.  I'd open'd up a boxed vintage of unknown month/year Merlot and we settled in for the Night following a splurge of a nearby fast food.   What occurred that evening is something myself, and a whole lot of other Americans are still processing.

The other side won.

Not just the other side, but a president who is proving to be the worst in my lifetime, arguably maybe the worst in US History.  But that's the point.  One has to look away from the Shitshow once in a while

  We'd left Yuma that morning and while driving by Election locations we'd seen one with a number of folks hovering around an old pickup.  A second glance and it seemed some were armed, though I'm unsure at this point.  All dallying around a large Pennant with TRUMP in large white letters.  Not only likely illegal but should have been a prediction of things to come.

And for us it was.  We joined the Democrats, Marched a couple of times and I've been a copious complainer to my Reps.  Unfortunately, I'm sure given that they're of the opposing party, most, if not all of my complaints, I'm sure to have fallen on deaf ears. I just get the canned reply.

    But my enthusiasm for writing this blog was encapsulated by Anger, likely the kind promoted by Putin when he set out to interfere with the US Election.  So I'm a bit guilty on this front as well.  So for now, for my purposes, I'm leaving politics behind on this blog.  That's something for Facebook anyway.

     But the happenings occurring all around me now indelibly standout as something I should be giving some attention to.  Its History damned it.  For their quirkiness, for their significance to our lives, that will be completely forgotten in a matter of years, maybe months, but maybe shouldn't be.  If looking at a record of that in five years brings a smile to my face, to Lisa's.  Somebody else maybe.  Google stats indicate nearly 10,000 views occurred of this blog.

   And much has happened this past year.  With the good comes the bad.  The generation before me is seeing some rough times.  Good people all.  Carl, my Dad, my Mother, my Aunt, weathering challenges of a time of life I'm well on my way into.  Incidentally what used to be a large family can now be counted almost on one hand.  This is the case for both my Mother and Father's family.  Ours muddles along.

In addition, we are now living in a 5th Wheel.  The TT is stored for now when we travel East next spring.

      All this stuff is ours.  Downsizing seems to only be a temporary situation.

    And Lisa as well, having never fully recovered from a 12-day job of nearly a year ago.  When we left that job, it was decided that we were done working in the Oil Fields.   The changes and unreasonableness of it solidified our resolve.  Early this AM, I woke to see my wife in such pain that she couldn't walk.  She's doing better now.  Blamed on something else, but she, and I have lingering effects of twelve,  twelve hour days in a row.

    We traveled last year to escape Texas Heat, only to have the trip cut short by a Hurricane of all things.  That's a separate post.

    From the mystery tip somebody at the Harmonica Festival, given me by a young boy on a bicycle who told me a man had given him ten bucks to do.  Lisa promptly bought Carmel Corn. To Juan and his SO, my Neighbors.  A big-hearted, gregarious, noisy young father of an Infant. By noisy I mean he talks several Octaves louder than most folks.  Interspaced with copious MF'er. We joke that, that particular profanity is just likely to be his Daughters first words.  Where some would think he's shouting in a Cubano slang, when he's around his infant daughter, she just quiets right down.  "Dads Home".  Damndest thing to see. 
Fishing with Juan is like fishing with the Head professor of Fish U.   A young man of Cuban descent who has spent a lifetime working on Charters and other fishing boats.  Repeating here but fishing with Juan is like being on a guided fishing tour.  Hell, he even drives the boat and poles us into where we need to be.  So far I haven't had to clean a fish.  Though I envy how this kid goes through them like a surgeon.

Pictured here, in his mood. Awnry little MF'er

A lot has happened.  Too much to go into detail, so I'll just throw up pictures.

Juan's a bit miffed right now because of fun as it is.  I can take only so much fishing at a time.

   First Snow in a decade in Rockport.  This is a big year for that stuff.

Cruel Postal Worker Tricks.  Couldn't get this package out with a Crowbar.

                            Fishing's been decent.

We spent three weeks in Salida, Colorado.  This is Dave the Host and Obie who dropped by for Coffee and conversation most mornings. Obie for the Dog biscuit.  Though nearly 8000 feet high, the temp climbed to well over 90 almost every day.

Stopped in Hawthorne a couple of days in early September.

Grandma in Heaven


      Lisa presented $50.00 to the Young Democrats in Corpus Christi                

Yellow Pine at Harmonica festival in August.  Mountains behind are occluded by smoke from fires.

Attend the Workshop, you have to belt something out on Stage during opening ceremonies.

Me belting something out.

                             Salmon River during our Hot Springs Safari.

Fibark is an event in Salida, Colorado where loony boats are created and floated down the Arkansas River.  While this looks like a monstrous act of littering, in fact, preparations are made to collect the Trash as it floats into a reservoir.

Little Salida Mexican Restaurant we ate in

Left a Dollar with Blog link under glass at table.

We remained through the 4th of July

The blog has gotten a bit dilapidated.  So I'll likely work on it a bit.

And fittingly, or I wouldn't know because I was out during it all. I got a rating of AA on my Colon.  Doc said see you in five.  Wouldn't know from this picture at a Motel in Corpus where we'd gone for the pleasure of the Prep.

                    End.........Get it?

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